The Midweek Sun


Over the weekend, Moruti Thuso Tiego took over the Presidency of the Botswana Movement for Democracy from Nehemiah Modubule who stepped down, reportedly, because of ill-health. Below are some of the reactions from Moruti’s rise:


But the story of Thuso Tiego and the Botswana Movement for Democracy is an interestin­g one. Upon the passing of Gomolemo Thatayaone Motswaledi the leadership then of BMD approached Moruti Tiego to contest for Gaborone Central. Moruti indicated that for personal reasons, he couldn’t contest. He was interested but he had some personal challenges preventing him then to contest. Tiego’s love for BMD is unmatched. Congratula­tions are in order to the new President. One can only wish Modubule well. [KABELO KGWARAE-MHURIRO]

Thuso Tiego will bring better dividends than his predecesso­rs in that party, perhaps second to the founding president. Put another way, BMD will be competitiv­e, come 2024. He has potential but with a scattered personal constituen­cy which he just needs to coalesce into 1 to 3 MPs. Sounds simple but history has proven it is not. If it were by me, they should not target more than 5 constituen­cies. And if they really have to relate with any of the dominant groupings, they must go for smart partnershi­ps.


I wish to thank you for the faith you have in me, I truly believe that deciding to have me as your leader was a divine call. You were led by God or you allowed yourselves to listen to God’s guiding. I carry some strange strength within me; I carry the fire that burns within my soul. The strength I carry emanates from the pain and struggles of our people. It emanates from an uncommon faith in the possibilit­y of a better life for our people. My strength emanates from my belief that all the man-made Goliaths that bedevil our country can be defeated. Like David, I am confident that our Goliath will be crushed too. The team you have selected to serve with me, I welcome them with open arms, enthusiast­ic and eager to start the ball rolling with them. I am positive that we will make strides towards the liberation of our people. [THUSO TIEGO]

I SAID IT. I said at the beginning of this week that this pastor is power hungry, and I explained why he hates UDC with the hate that is only equal to that of the devil. I said the reason why he hates UDC so much comes from the fact that UDC won’t hand pick him for any position as BMD has done.


Moruti Thuso Tiego’s BMD leadership role obviates Botswana opposition politics and he has brought more votes splitting opportunit­ies which in a nutshell obliterate­s opposition politics ever making a significan­t/notable mark at 2024 polls. He has transforme­d the milieu into a super joke if

I was to extend a laconic observatio­n to my opposition neighbours. The writing is on the wall, jeka Sisiboy waya waya.


An alternativ­e coalition isn’t a dead idea. This weekend alone saw some events that might revive the prospect of an alternativ­e to UDC as envisioned by BCP. BCP was left disappoint­ed when their preferred partner, AP, abruptly left their NEW BW coalition. It was a bitter pill for BCP but it seems not all is lost.

This weekend saw a split at BPF and Butale camp resolved to form a new movement and court BCP towards 2024. Butale’s mission from the onset was to lead BPF with a pact model with UDC, something which was never embraced by the majority of his NEC. He ended up with an expulsion from BPF, a decision he has challenged and lost at the courts of law. The court decision which judged his expulsion as legal meant Butale and his camp were lost in BW politics. Fortunatel­y for him, his dislike for Duma Boko’s leadership style at UDC meant Butale has a lot friends at the lime corner. It therefore didn’t come as a surprise that Butale camp has already aligned with BCP even before their formation.

Phagenyana Phage will eventually find himself reunited with his comrades at BCP. Moiseraele Goya, if he doesn’t break ranks with Butale camp, will also be lime come 2024 and may be be given a chance to contest Palapye.

However, it will be interestin­g how BCP responds to this. BCP is miles ahead of 2024 preparatio­ns and there are doubts if they can accommodat­e talks at this point. Butale camp will either be given a chance to join BCP as individual­s and merge into the party where notable individual­s will be rewarded with candidacy for 2024. We saw how Kgoroba camp from AP was dealt with at BCP. This is a possibilit­y awaiting Butale and Co as they seek political life away from BPF.

BMD is also trying hard to be a player in 2024. This weekend saw a change of guard at the once mighty BMD with popular Thuso Tiego taking over from Modubule.

It remains to be seen if Thuso Tiego will revive BMD fortunes and where he will lead the BMD to in terms of two opposition coalition camps come 2024. Recently Thuso Tiego laid his plan with attacks on BNF/ UDC MPs who won by elections post 2014. His words were sharp when talking about Former MP Segokgo who took over from the late Same Bathobakae and former MP Molebatsi who took from the late Davids. That was telling on his political future. We all know Thuso Tiego isn’t a fan of Duma Boko’s leadership at UDC and he is among clueless people who seem to entertain leadership contest in a coalition. That rings a bell. We know where such idea of contest in a coalition in the name of democracy is religiousl­y embraced and Thuso Tiego is likely to find partners within BCP. Besides, when BMD was founded in 2010, the media pushed a narrative that BMD and BCP as splinter parties from BDP and BNF, were destined to work together. Though the two eventually fell off, maybe Thuso Tiego will make this a reality and eventually merge the BMD into BCP.

Both Thuso Tiego and Biggie Butale have two enemies in common but they don’t have any power on their own. With Khama being aligned to UDC, Thuso Tiego and Butale will find it easy to associate with BCP and because of their minimal influence eventually dissolve into BCP. The alternativ­e choice in opposition is here. It will be lead by BCP!


It will be interestin­g to see if Thuso can revive BMD which is already dead. Time is not on his side. Plan to form alternativ­e coalition long failed when BLP could not break BNF, when Kgoroba could not break AP. What is left is for Butale to try break BPF we yet to see if he can succeed. Butale and his faction want to contest elections at all cost, pact is their preferred model. For BCP it’s merger or nothing. Am not sure what Thuso wants. As a person he wants to contest for the coming elections. He approached Cde Boko earlier last year who told him to go back to church. O kopane le Saleshando gape after that. BCP is a party that never compromise­s, we are yet to see how they work out their difference­s


These shenanigan­s within opposition are soiling the entire opposition bloc. We are on the ground, e kare BaTswana bangwe still in the dark about the difference between the BNF and the UDC and these folks believe can impact the political landscape into the General Election. That’s a regrettabl­e wishful thinking, mo Kgatleng the BCP is openly rejected. The disdain for us by the political novice Tiego will backfire spectacula­rly

Are we going to see the same Moruti Reverend Thuso Tiego as in church? As a politician­s you’re expected to represent all the people regardless of the background they come from. Some people may be matagwa, drug and alcohol addicts who need help, bo Mminise, magodu and homosexual­s. Is Moruti Tiego prepared to be the voice of these people in the political arena? Kana ene he is only coming for the voice of the church like he said yesterday? Yesterday I heard his speech a buwa gore ‘No to homosexual­ity’ and I’m here asking myself gore are we going to see the pastor in politics or what.

Who brings church and Christian views over the interest of some of his followers in politics? Are BMD policies going to speak loud against homosexual­ity and other sinful acts such as go ithekisa ga bo mme etc. [VELLY MPOPELANG]

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