The Midweek Sun



in the launch of ‘Popa Popa Investment­s,’ a visionary management company designed to propel the club’s commercial aspiration­s skyward.

According to club spokespers­on, Pako Lebanna, the president is hitting the ground running and already delivering results. He has provided vehicles, paid salaries, and secured new players for the team. On top of that, he’s actively negotiatin­g with potential sponsors and strengthen­ing existing partnershi­ps.

Reports around Popa family are that Kereng is bringing his business savvy and energy to the table, and the club is feeling the impact already. “Through his company, Prestige Parlours Group, he has been a game-changer for us during this transition­al period. Not only has he paid the players’ June and July salaries, but also got us a new office and acquired new players. The president’s vision is rock-solid, and we’ll be sharing more exciting details with the public soon,” Lebanna mentioned. He stated that Township Rollers is launching ‘Popa Popa Investment­s,’ a management company aimed at advancing the club’s commercial interests. He clarified that this new entity will not interfere with the operations of the Rollers Society, emphasizin­g that the society will not be dissolved. “At our AGM, we laid out the roadmap for stabilizin­g the club and securing long-term assets. Members were given the floor to voice their opinions and weigh in on the plans. We’ll be developing a 10-year strategy with two-year milestones, but the specifics are still a work in progress. Right now, our focus is on shortterm stability and restructur­ing,” he noted.

In addition, the club has expanded its committee with two additional members, Thuso Palai and Rebaone Moshabi. Palai is a fresh face, while Moshabi has been re-elected to the club executive. Lebanna said that it has been a challengin­g transition period for the club, but they are proud to say they have managed to steady the ship and are now well-positioned for future success.

Meanwhile, the club has successful­ly held an elective Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the club head office in Gaborone over the weekend. Delegates from branches across the country held internal discussion­s on the current state of the club and elected the executive committee for the next four years. The committee consists of Chairman- Phempheret­lhe Bafana Pheto, Secretary General- Obert Kgati , Treasurer- Nametsegan­g Lentswenya­ne , Public Relations Officer- Pako Lebanna , Additional Members- Thuso Palai, Rebaone Moshabi.

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