The Midweek Sun

OntraYry Oto cGommAon AundNer- D PNonR-viAolenYce­Ein


standing, Yoga is not just asana (physical exercises). This coThlumisn­wseeekklse­t’os csohnasrie­dear ader pearnspeen­cltigivhet­eonnintghe­dibmeenn-- of Yogsaiotno­ohr upmeraspne­bcteiivneg­asb, otuot awarepnrae­ysesr,ofrohmowHY.Hog. aSrisSari way of life, Rhoavwi pSrhaacntk­icairn. gI itthminakk­eits’s lightersan­fedtomsoar­ye moesatnoif­nugsfudl,o and also to pray bring frequently, to the fore from the appreciati­on time that to all time that or we once do in in a while. Whatever the case yoga is to lead us to the stillness is, we have some idea of within, to bring inner peace. what prayer is. The question The philosophy of Yoga touches is, how does it link many aspects of our being, i.e. with yoga? our physical, “When our mental you and feel our the emotional, obstacle and is pursued is too much from to the many angles. handle, deep prayer can coursePata­njaliw, worhkomisi­raecglaers­d. Wedhaastet­hver Father of Yoga, you explains do, know one that of the the themes of higher yoga as: power “yoga has chitta the vritti nirodha”, final say that and is, you quieting can tap erythroof-the thouthgaht­tpwowaveer­sthisroyuo­gghay, oourr aslsuobsid­ing tphreayteh­rosubgehct­aaucsteivp­itryayienr the mind isisyothga­e. cry of a soul. It In this ihnatrpopd­euncstiwon­h,enthyeofuo­cfueesl is on Astanugtta­eryloyghae,lpinlewssh­oicrhwPhae-n tanjali explyaoinu­sfteheel t“oeitgahllt­yligmrabte­sfoufl. yoga”, the fiBrosthoa­nree baeuitnhge­nthtiec fiavned always get fulfilled. deaPlrwayi­itnhgodnoe­e’sne’tthmicealn aonfdincth­eagnrtitin­y,g onsoomure bweohradvs­io. rItanisdah­bowut we conducbteo­inurgseiln­vetshiant lisfer,etnhe, discicpali­lnme,s tmoegduiit­daetiuvsei­nstoauter.

THEsSyEmFI­bVoElsYAan­MdArSitAuR­aEls BRIEFLY prayer EXPLAINED itself BELOW: transcends them. It happens in the subtle level of feelings and the feelings transcend words and religion. This silence is one step beyond the barriers of language. It is that which the whole universe can understand. That is why, in the Vedic tradition,

spe and action. Usually we thin violence in action, but this e bcaelfosrt­eananddara­dftecrhpal­rlaeynegrs­e,s us to tpheearcee­ifsuml iendtihtao­tuiognh.t and speec weWll.hIetnadthv­eocmatines­d tihsefop-ractice coumsepda, spsiroany,erlobvec, oumndeesrs­tand fpaartimen­ocre, eptocw. erful. You haTverutot­hcfounlnee­scst. Ptoatyaonu­jar-li descr streulfthb­feuclnaues­se aslltpoobw­eerins harm awriethhmi­didnedn, wwoirtdhia­nndthaecti­on. Sacetlifo. nTshinenli­fe vmeursytth­briningg harm winilrlelm­ataionnifs­ehsitp. sI.t is like using Non-stealing the cell phone. means If not you refraining keep from on pressing physically ta numbers but there is no

possession of what is not yours, SIM card inside, will it

also not allowing the possessio work? Similarly, some

unpleasant thought, speech of our prayers are not

action. It speaks against inordi getting connected. You haven’t desire for put wealth in the or SIM being env card. of others’ Now possession­s. if you have the SIMCocnatr­idneanncde noor rsaenlfg-ec,ontrol wceililbia­tcwy.oArkt?tOher,dififftehr­eent sta roafnoguer­alnivdesS,IMwecaredc­aarleled to tdhisecrei­p, lbinuet abnatdtesr­eylfi-sconnottro­l in cwheadrgee­adl ,nwoitlloin­t lwyoinrks?eYxouual relati nbeuetdeav­eSnIMincao­rudr, cgheanregr­eal outl anbdourtan­ligf e. and only then yoNu coan-caollvaent­yoounsen, aensys- refer wnohner-ea.ccumulatio­n, whether i

ofSeoa,rStahdlyha­pnoas(ssepsirsit­ounasl, or e pthreacnte­igcaetsiv)eisemthote­ioSnIsMtha­t we

coaurdn,teSraftros­amngtim(me utositcime w ainedvimta­ebdlyitale­tiaodns) tios tilhl-ehealth cinhairtgs­eeaxntrdem­yoeurwofau­itlhd ims anifes tuhnedreas­nirgaeb, lbeebcaeuh­saeviaotrr. ue prayer can’t happen witho[Iuntthde fvoolltoio­wninagnwde­efkasitwhe. will sp The to the act other of praying limbs.] itself has the power to bring transforma­tion. Realize


that God’s protection is there for you. And if at all you have to pray for something, pray for the happiness of all the people in the world.”

More next time……

from Lobatse and Gaborone c to do outreach in Hukuntsi Pr


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