Botswana Guardian

Abotle, Botswana’s 100 % fruit juice hits market

- BG Reporter

Acitizen- owned company, Abotle Beverages, trading as Abotle Distributo­rs, has just created its own brand line of a 100 percent pure natural fruits juice, which is expected to hit the shelves this coming spring. is is according to the Chief Executive O cer and director of the company, Joseph Gabalebats­e in an interview with Botswana Guardian recently. According to Gabalebats­e, the fruit juice, named, Abotle Juice, comes with a number of avours such as Orange, Mango, Strawberry, Passion, among others. e 100 percent fruit juice comes with numerous bene ts, since among others, it does not have sugar or sweeteners, additives, nor is it made from concentrat­es. So far the juice has passed testing, labelling and compliance requiremen­ts for consumptio­n and distributi­on from relevant government authoritie­s. Gabalebats­e, who is still formally employed with government, disclosed that the drink comes in two sizes, being 320ml and 350 ml respective­ly. “e 320ml’s main targets is for school going children,” he said. Ahead of the o cial launch of the Abotle Juice, the company has already started promoting the product. Currently, the company has performed activation­s and product tasting to prospectiv­e clients. “e response from the market is positive. It has surpassed our expectatio­ns. Lots and lots of orders for companies and individual­s have already been received.” Said Gabalebats­e. Meanwhile, the company, has already approached some nanciers for a possible credit extension to deal with the insatiable demand. e Gaborone based company has teamed up with an internatio­nal beverages producer from Vietnam to produce and package the fruit juice on their behalf. Abotle Distributo­r decided to source the fruits from Vietnam since, “the country has natural fruits in abundance,” which is not the case in Botswana. He said they will look closely to the newly opened Selebi Phikwe citrus project, with the view to consider sourcing fruits from them in future. Meanwhile, Gabalebats­e, has heaped praises on Sesowa Business Growth Advisory, which has played an instrument­al role in the company’s growth story.

Abotle Distributo­rs has a plan in place to establish a separate logistics business, which will be responsibl­e for performing all logistical and distributi­on services to the company. As things stand, the company uses its own trucks. In addition, Abotle Distributo­rs has also sub- contracted independen­t distributo­rs to deliver some of its products across Botswana. Even before they could o cially launch the product in Botswana, the company has received enquiries on Abotle Juice from neighbouri­ng countries such as Namibia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.

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