Botswana Guardian

Union, Standard Chartered at loggerhead­s over salary negotiatio­ns

- Nicholas Mokwena

The Botswana Financial Institutio­ns and Aligned Workers Union ( BOFIAWU) is at loggerhead­s with Standard Chartered Bank Botswana ( SCBB) over the displeasur­e over salaries. is follows the negotiatio­ns for the 2023/ 2024 financial period by the two parties.

In an interview this week, General Secretary Tidimalo Kgaswane of BOFIAWU narrated that they started 2023/ 2024 salary negotiatio­ns with SCB on 23 April 2024, with other intense meetings held on the 30th April 2024 and 7th May 2024. e parties then subsequent­ly held the last meeting on the 28 May 2024.

Kgaswane explained that this is when the parties invoked a clause in their Collective Bargaining Agreement ( CBA) to go into a cooling o period since the parties disagree on the positions.

“We followed all negotiatio­ns and when we got to a cooling o period the bank proceeded to pay non- unionised staff members. We advise our membership to remain calm as we believe a positive outcome in our negotiatio­ns will prevail.

“As a union, under our bargaining agreement, we shall engage further with Standard Chartered Bank Botswana to nd an amicable mutually bene ting solution to this issue”.

According to a reliable source within the bank, the bank paid non- unionised members for the month of June 2024 applying a divide and rule tactic. is has resulted with members terminatin­g membership­s with the union as they claimed to have nancial constraint­s. is emanates from the rule the bank indirectly imposed on the union members to find the union unworthy negotiator in their welfare, the source said.

It is alleged that furthermor­e, the bank wants a one- third threshold to unsubscrib­e from the union, so that the union becomes null and void within SCBB.

According to insiders, the bank is also on the verge of retrenchin­g, and they do not want to pay people what is due to them and by ultimately de- recognisin­g the union they would do as they please since the union will not negotiate better exit packages for its members.

“Many of the negotiatio­n team members are leaving the bank before the conclusion of the negotiatio­ns which is a clear indication that there is more to the story,” the source alleged.

Kgaswane stated that they have been made aware of the allegation­s but they are yet to engage the bank on same. According to Kgaswane for a long time, the union has been having a cordial relationsh­ip with the bank and this is their rst encounter of this nature.

SCBB Head of Human Resource, who led the bank’s negotiatio­n team, Kenneth Mbaiwa could not be reached for comment at press time.

 ?? ?? General Secretary Tidimalo Kgaswane of BOFIAWU
General Secretary Tidimalo Kgaswane of BOFIAWU

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