Botswana Guardian

COVID- 19 transmissi­on rate higher in Gaborone than SA

Dikoloti says as he absolves Rakgare

- Nicholas Mokwena BG reporter

Botswana, particular­ly the Greater Gaborone, is at a higher rate of transmitti­ng the COVID- 19 virus compared to the Republic of South Africa.

Health and Wellness Minister Dr. Edwin Dikoloti told Parliament that this assumption was based on the spreading pattern and density of the disease.

Dr. Dikoloti was speaking in parliament where he went to great lengths to absolve his colleague, Youth Empowermen­t, Sport and Culture Developmen­t Minister Tumiso Rakgare from any violation of the Covid protocols after he had travelled to South Africa and not quarantine­d upon return.

Instead Rakgare had interacted with fellow MPs, a conduct that earned him the wrath of opposition MPs.

According to Dikoloti the new regulation­s governing people entering Botswana following relaxation of restrictio­ns on movement of persons, require that a traveller entering Botswana shall present a Polymerase Chain Reaction negative test results not older than 72 hours, at the time of departure from country of origin at the port of entry.

He said a traveller may at his or her cost be required to undertake immediate COVID- 19 testing and isolation or quarantine within the COVID- 19 zone.

Dikoloti stated that interpreta­tion and practical implementa­tion of the regulation means that travellers entering Botswana required to have the negative test would have been in the host country for a period exceeding 36 hours.

Upon arrival, travellers are required to self- monitor, said Dr. Dikoloti.

“Self- monitoring meaning the person becomes self- aware to note developmen­t of symptoms consistent with those of COVID- 19.

“The traveller is further expected to be cautious and limit movement and associatio­n to further protect others in this period of uncertaint­y,” said Dikoloti.

He added that the practical implementa­tion of the regulation considers the most considerab­le time from the last testing to which the virus can be reasonably detected within the person.

The applicatio­n further gives the health authority prerogativ­e to institute testing based on the inherent risk acquired by the traveller regarding various factors.

These include the transmissi­on pattern of the area visited in comparison with the now hosting; time spent; and uptake and enforcemen­t of the social protective measures at the host country.

Dikoloti said using the current operating Statutory Instrument ( SI), what can be adduced from Rakgare’s situation and his travel to South Africa and return to base within 24 hours, is that there was “no indication for immediate quarantine for the minister” and his test results can be considered upon re- entry into Botswana.

The minister said it is assumed that the two countries are implementi­ng and enforcing similar social protective measures, and as such Rakgare as a “responsibl­e citizen, is assumed to be consistent in his practice of the said measures”.

According to Dr. Dikoloti it can be further assumed that based on the spreading pattern and density of the disease, Botswana, in particular the Greater Gaborone, is at a higher rate of transmitti­ng as opposed to Republic of South Africa.

He pointed out that the MPs can therefore, be advised to practise the usual social protective measures at all times to ensure their own safety, and that their neighbours and associates are also safe.

“It should also be noted that, while protecting the public there also exists a need to protect the Executive and the Parliament­arians of the country in keeping with providing extra security for the country’s leadership,” Dikoloti said.

Under such circumstan­ces and after considerin­g the Public Health Act Section 80 ( 1)( c), the Director of Health Services took a decision that Rakgare “will not attend Parliament until he has been tested”.

The cited Section talks about powers to enforce precaution and states that the Director can impose requiremen­ts or conditions as regards to the medical examinatio­n, detention, quarantine cleansing vaccinatio­n, isolation or medical surveillan­ce or otherwise on a person entering Botswana.

 ??  ?? Minister Dikoloti
Minister Dikoloti

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