
*Buy this heartwarming and feel good cosy novel for a slice of escapism at the turn of a page!*

‘Up there with the best of them…A big, fat five stars from me’ Sue Moorcroft

‘An irresistible slice of escapism’ Phillipa Ashley

It’s time to pack your bags and head to the breathtaking, snow-covered peaks of the Swiss Alps for velvety hot chocolates, delicious cheeses and a gorgeous love story…

Food technician Mina has always believed that chocolate will solve everything – and it’s just what she needs when her latest relationship mishap goes viral!

So with her bags packed and a new determination to sort her life out, Minna decides to drown her sorrows with the best hot chocolate in the world at her godmother’s cosy Swiss chalet. Chocolate: yes. Romance: no. Until she has a run in on an Alpine train with a mysterious but oh-so-gorgeous stranger…

Readers ADORE The Little Swiss Ski Chalet:

‘A delectable treat. I could almost smell the chocolate and the fresh mountain air from my living room’ Amy

Like a giant hug and the perfect feel good read to enjoy whilst snuggled under cosy blankets and drinking hot chocolate’ Kel

‘A perfect book to immerse yourself in, thank you Julie Caplin, you’re a very talented author’ Faith

I loved this book from the very first page…Julie Caplin is becoming one of my favourite authors’ Claire

‘I love this series having read all the others pretty much back to back over the course of a month during lockdown’ Kirsty

Heartwarming and relaxing this is a lovely little romance to get stuck into’ Nadine

‘I’ve just finished the first chapter and stopped to tell you…
THIS is the first book I have read in a LONG time where I feel like I KNOW these CHARACTERS and I could comfortably sit around the table with them, like old friends. What WONDERFUL WRITING!’ Josie, Bubbly Book Reviewer

‘Absolutely divine’ Sonya

‘This is the first book from Julia Caplin that I have read and wow, I’ve been missing out’ Raena

About the author(s)

Julie Caplin is the international bestselling author of the Romantic Escapes series. Her books have hit the bestseller charts in Italy, Germany, the UK and the Czech Republic and have sold over a million copies worldwide. Her uplifting romantic comedies are set in gorgeous destinations across the globe, providing her readers with the ultimate escape.

Julie also writes romantic and historical fiction as Jules Wake.


‘Well, I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to go to Switzerland now!’ Adrienne

‘With COVID 19 putting a halt on travel this book is exactly what I needed! Caplin describes here setting of Switzerland with so much detail that I truly felt like I was right there with Mina. Add on a lovely heartwarming story into this beautiful story and you have the perfect winters night read’ Courtney

Julie Caplin does it again…A real page turner (I finished it over 2 evenings) that I would very highly recommend (along with the other 6 books in the series)’ Debbie

Exactly the book I needed right now…Highly recommended for a great atmosphere and a fun winter escape in the comfort of your own home’ Brittany

‘The kind of book that you want to curl up in front of a fire with a hot chocolate and lose yourself in’ Julie

‘Loved this book! It was so Christmassy but also perfect for January as it’s all about new beginnings and changing your life!’ Sarah

A soul-soothing and heart-warming read…I love that you can immerse yourself in these books, forget the world outside and just cosy up and enjoy’ Jenn

‘Enough chocolate to make you gain five pounds just by reading about it!’ Yvie

‘I don’t often reach for a romance novel because I find them too sickly sweet and oftentimes too raunchy for my liking. However, I took a gamble on this one because I love travelling and trying different foods. This read surpassed my expectations’ Norma

Oh my word. I loved every single bit of this book’ Leslie

‘An irresistible page turner and a book I am so glad I read…leaves you wanting more’ Muriel

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