
Well-respected herbalist David Hoffmann's comprehensive and practical guide to herbal medicine.

• Discusses the history and modern practice of herbalism, including Chinese, Native American, and Welsh influences.

• Includes a practical reference section listing the effects of various herbs, with prescriptions on how to use them for a wide range of illnesses.

• Covers the fundamentals of growing, drying, storing, and cooking with herbs.

• Over 45,000 copies of previous edition sold.

This compendium of medical herbalism by one of the most eminent herbalists practicing today is both comprehensive and practical. Answering basic as well as complicated questions about herbal medicine, it provides both the novice and the experienced practitioner with a reliable framework in which to develop their herbal skills.

A discussion of the history and modern practice of herbalism, encompassing the influences of Welsh, Chinese, and Native American herbal medicine is followed by a practical reference section that lists the various actions herbs have on the body (carminative, anti-inflammatory, etc.), with examples of herbs and their mode of activity in each category. Herbal prescriptions for various illnesses are also organized under the main systems of the body so that information can be quickly and easily referenced. A final section covers the fundamentals of growing, drying storing and cooking with herbs, as well as the making of infusions, decoctions, oils, and ointments. The author also provides helpful introductions to aromatherapy and plant medicines.

About the author(s)

David Hoffmann, FNIMH, AHG, has been a clinical medical herbalist since 1979. A Fellow of Britain’s National Institute of Medical Herbalists, he is one of the founding members of the American Herbalists Guild and the author of 17 books, including Herbs for Healthy Aging, Medical Herbalism, The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal, and The Herbal Handbook. He teaches herbal medicine throughout the English-speaking world and lives in California.


“David Hoffmann explores the full range of healing capabilities of herbs.”

“I guarantee after having this book's knowledge under your belt, turning away opportunities to learn more will be near impossible! . . . I highly recommend The Herbal Handbook by David Hoffmann. You may discover a new passion, one that will benefit you, your family, and your community!”

“Is it possible you will want another book with a more extensive list of herbs and their uses? Sure. But I highly recommend this one as an introduction to the concepts of herbalism. I’ve never yet seen another that compares, for that purpose.”

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