
A revolutionary approach to male sexuality offers the keys to achieving sexual fulfillment

• Teaches how to retain semen for increased vitality and longer lovemaking

• Explains the relationship-strengthening benefits of deep, sustained penetration

• Includes foreplay approaches and position sequences

Fulfilling sex nourishes love, increases vitality, and boosts mental health. Unfortunately, prevailing attitudes about male sexuality and what is good sex work against these innate features by focusing on the excitement of ejaculation as the one and only goal.

Using the tantric guidelines they have practiced for more than 25 years, Diana and Michael Richardson show men how to move beyond their preconceptions of sex as a goal-oriented--and often unintentionally stressful--event so they can relax into sex as a meditative union of complementary energies. They explain how retaining semen allows for increased vitality and extended lovemaking sessions and show the relationship-strengthening benefits of deep, sustained penetration. They also explain how to perform soft penetration and how to avoid premature ejaculation.

Tantric Sex for Men includes tried-and-true foreplay approaches, diagrams of sexual position sequences, ways to increase sexual sensitivity through awareness, and how to have ecstatic experiences through reaching a woman’s body on a sexually deeper level. The authors also demonstrate how the sexual organs can be used to heal both men and women physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

About the author(s)

Diana Richardson is the author of Tantric Sex for Men, The Heart of Tantric Sex and Tantric Orgasm for Women and is a teacher and practitioner of holistic body therapies. Born in South Africa, she became the disciple of tantric Master Osho in India in 1979. She is now based in Europe and travels extensively with her partner, hosting weeklong retreats for couples in tantric lovemaking.

Michael Richardson is a teacher of t’ai chi, practitioner of shiatsu, and teacher of the Gurdjieff Sacred Dances. He is a disciple of tantric master Osho and, along with his partner, has been teaching the art of Tantra in weeklong “Making Love Retreats for Couples” since 1993. He lives in Switzerland.


“Diana and Michael Richardson’s Tantric Sex for Men is a New Age sexual ‘how-to’ for men. Based largely on their many years of experience leading retreat seminars for couples, together with their commitment to Osho’s teachings on neo-tantra and sexuality, their latest book is a refreshingly honest and timely presentation. This book will be especially helpful to men who wish to better understand the processes by which sex can be elevated to a higher love activity. It shows men the way to a more caring, considerate, and fulfilling approach to lovemaking.”

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