Marshmallow Heaven

Delicious, Unique, and Fun Recipes for Sweet Homemade Treats


Since 2014, Tricia Arce has been serving handcrafted and creative marshmallow recipes from at Fluff It Marshmallows, a shop and s’mores bar in Gilbert, Arizona. Her frozen hot chocolate topped with marshmallow cream, gourmet mallow pies, marshmallow bowls, and mallow pops have gained national attention, and now she’s ready to share some of her secrets so that marshmallow fans around the world can make these unique sweets in their own home.

Recipes for marshmallow flavors for every day and even holidays are included in this collection, including churro, toasted coconut, mint chocolate chip, pumpkin spice, peppermint, gingerbread, and Mexican hot chocolate.

In addition to marshmallows that are stuffed or dipped, you’ll find recipes to compliment the marshmallows like homemade graham crackers, oatmeal cream pies, and many more.

Throughout the pages of Marshmallow Heaven, Arce tells the story of how Fluff It became a successful sweet shop. She documents her ups and downs (from viral videos to a terrible experience with peanut butter) to provide insight into the entrepreneurial side of her tasty (and sticky!) adventures.


“I fell in love with marshmallows and s’mores all over again—they were tasty and decadent but took me back to a much simpler time.” —Kristina Guerrero, host of The List

“I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Tricia for a few years now, and I can honestly say she is as sweet, creative, and fun as her marshmallow creations. From making football-shaped marshmallow pops for a Super Bowl party photo shoot (which she did for our first project together) to whipping up insanely delicious s’mores sundaes (I’ve eaten entirely too many of her chocolate-peanut butter delights) at her s’mores café, she is always up for a challenge and for growing her craft. That kind of passion can’t be taught, and it emanates from every page of her fabulous new cookbook Marshmallow Heaven. The book brims with user-friendly recipes, practical tips, beautiful photos, and friendly commentary from Tricia, who feels like your cool, crafty cousin and encouraging childhood friend all rolled into one. You’ll love her just as much as you’ll love her confectionery concoctions.”—Leah LeMoine, managing editor, PHOENIX magazine

“This dessert bar is marshmallow heaven.” —The Insider

“I often look to Tricia, to her unchanging enthusiasm and success driven by pure passion and I always find inspiration that helps me keep moving in my own venture.”—Jeff Malkoon, founder of Peanut Butter Americano

“I fell in love with marshmallows and s’mores all over again—they were tasty and decadent but took me back to a much simpler time.” —Kristina Guerrero, host of The List

“I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Tricia for a few years now, and I can honestly say she is as sweet, creative, and fun as her marshmallow creations. From making football-shaped marshmallow pops for a Super Bowl party photo shoot (which she did for our first project together) to whipping up insanely delicious s’mores sundaes (I’ve eaten entirely too many of her chocolate-peanut butter delights) at her s’mores café, she is always up for a challenge and for growing her craft. That kind of passion can’t be taught, and it emanates from every page of her fabulous new cookbook Marshmallow Heaven. The book brims with user-friendly recipes, practical tips, beautiful photos, and friendly commentary from Tricia, who feels like your cool, crafty cousin and encouraging childhood friend all rolled into one. You’ll love her just as much as you’ll love her confectionery concoctions.”—Leah LeMoine, managing editor, PHOENIX magazine

“This dessert bar is marshmallow heaven.” —The Insider

“I often look to Tricia, to her unchanging enthusiasm and success driven by pure passion and I always find inspiration that helps me keep moving in my own venture.”—Jeff Malkoon, founder of Peanut Butter Americano

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