Making It in the Music Business

The Business and Legal Guide for Songwriters and Performers


Using dozens of real-life examples, readers will find up-to-date information on avoiding copyright infringement, working effectively with managers and music lawyers, developing management and booking agreements, and more. This updated edition is completely revised and expanded with two brand-new chapters on the do's and don't's of starting and running a band, and how to make money from music. It also includes expanded material on Internet copyright issues.

About the author(s)

Lee Wilson is a Nashville intellectual-property lawyer and writer. In practice since 1984, she has written six books on intellectual-property law topics (some in several editions), all published by Allworth Press. Her books include The Copyright Guide: A Friendly Guide to Protecting and Profiting from Copyrights; The Trademark Guide: Friendly Guide to Protecting and Profiting from Trademarks; and Fair Use, Free Use, and Use by Permission: Using and Licensing Copyrights in All Media. She has written for the Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment Law and Practice, has published numerous articles on intellectual-property law for Communication Arts magazine and the Publishers Marketing Association Independent, has served on the boards of numerous arts organizations, and is a frequent speaker to arts and academic groups. She lives and works in the woods north of Nashville, Tennessee.

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