
Lily Tyler's very interested in her sexy new neighbor, private jet pilot Brady Cole. Brady could really go for smart, gorgeous Lily. The fire that's generated whenever they're together isn't just chemical . . . it's nuclear!But then there's Doug . . .

The real ruler of the roost—Lily's noisy, nasty, match-mauling pooch—Doug likes to greet anyone he dislikes with yaps, nips, and very unpleasant surprises. And Doug does not like Brady. (Doug, in fact, doesn't like anybody—except Lily, of course. And, oddly enough, the squeaky clean, partner-track attorney whom Lily's domineering dad would love for his dutiful daughter to marry.)

Brady's no canine fan to begin with—and Doug's the devil-dog incarnate! But Lily could never get serious with anyone who doesn't click with her precious puppy—so Brady's going to need a lot more than great looks, smooth charm, and hot passion to get himself out of the doghouse and into Lily's life!

About the author(s)

Elaine Fox has spent enough of her life datingto know that the scenarios described in this book arecompletely plausible -- though she disclaims any direct experience with any of them. Fortunately,however, she has been able to parlay this extendedsearch for romance into a career and hopesher readers appreciate the cathartic experience whileliving happily-ever-after lives themselves. Elainecurrently lives in Virginia.