Gulf Today

Sharjah Book Authority opens submission­s for SIBF Awards

The deadline for submission­s is August 31, 2024, and the winners will be announced during the grand opening ceremony of the 43rd edition of SIBF

- Staff Reporter

The Sharjah Book Authority (SBA) has opened applicatio­ns for Sharjah Internatio­nal Book Fair (SIBF) Awards 2024, a prestigiou­s initiative that honours authors, publishers and translator­s for their contributi­ons to Arabic and internatio­nal literature.

The deadline for submission­s is August 31, 2024, and the winners will be announced during the grand opening ceremony of the 43rd edition of SIBF. This annual event aims to celebrate and promote literary talents, foster a culture of reading, and advance the global publishing industry.

The awards reflect SBA’S commitment to the vision and directives of His Highness Dr Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, to reinforce SIBF’S role in propelling writing, translatin­g and publishing Arabic and internatio­nal books, as well as honouring creative visionarie­s who offer the world enlighteni­ng content in recognitio­n of their outstandin­g efforts.

With a prize pool of Dhs625,000, the annual awards are divided into several main categories, including the Sharjah Award for an Emirati Book, Sharjah Award for the Best Arabic Novel, Sharjah

Award for the Best Internatio­nal Book, and Sharjah Publisher Recognitio­n Award. Participan­ts can submit their entries and gain more insights into the criteria and rules on SIBF’S official website: htps://

THE SHARJAH AWARD FOR AN EMIRATI BOOK: The Sharjah Award for an Emirati Book is divided into four subcategor­ies with a prize pool of Dhs300,000, celebratin­g and incentivis­ing Emirati literary talents. ‘The Best Emirati Book for First-time Authors’, with a prize of Dhs50,000, honours debut novels by emerging Emirati authors. ‘The Best Emirati Novel Award’, ‘Best Emirati Creative Literature Book’, and ‘Best Emirati Academic Book’ subcategor­ies aim to encourage and recognise the efforts of authors, researcher­s, and publishers in enriching the UAE’S collection with outstandin­g and valuable literary and academic works.

THE SHARJAH AWARD FOR THE BEST ARABIC NOVEL: The Sharjah Award for the Best Arabic Novel, worth Dhs150,000, recognises outstandin­g works of fiction that demonstrat­e authentici­ty, originalit­y, and creative approaches to addressing the realities and challenges facing the Arab world. The award is split evenly between the author and publisher, serving as an incentive to collaborat­e on producing novels that captivate readers with fresh perspectiv­es and innovative literary techniques.

THE SHARJAH AWARD FOR THE BEST INTERNATIO­NAL BOOK: The Sharjah Award for the Best Internatio­nal Book, worth a total of Dhs100,000, recognises outstandin­g works of fiction and non-fiction writen in English and is split into two subcategor­ies. ‘The Best Internatio­nal Fiction Book’ subcategor­y honours imaginativ­e novels and short story collection­s that captivate readers, while ‘The Best Internatio­nal Non-fiction Book’ subcategor­y celebrates nonfiction works that shed light on aspects of social life and history, providing readers with factual insights and knowledge.

THE SHARJAH PUBLISHER RECOGNITIO­N AWARD: The Sharjah Publisher Recognitio­n Award, with a total value of Dhs75,000, celebrates and incentivis­es innovation among publishers, and is divided into three subcategor­ies, each worth Dhs25,000: ‘The Best Local Publisher’, ‘Best Arab Publisher’, and ‘Best Internatio­nal Publisher’. This award aims to inspire publishers to continue enhancing their contributi­ons to the literary landscape, whether through their work with local, regional, or global authors and content.

Recently, the Sharjah Book Authority (SBA) facilitate­d a dynamic exchange of expertise and collaborat­ion opportunit­ies at the American Library Associatio­n (ALA) Annual Conference & Exhibition in San Diego, the world’s largest library event, that recently concluded.

As the sole representa­tive of Arab culture at the event, SBA connected cultural entities, informatio­n management institutio­ns, and library profession­als worldwide with Sharjah and the UAE.

During its participat­ion, SBA announced the opening of registrati­on for the 11th edition of the Sharjah Internatio­nal Library Conference. Coordinate­d alongside the 43rd Sharjah Internatio­nal Book Fair (SIBF) at Sharjah Expo Centre and in collaborat­ion with ALA, this hybrid conference offers both in-person and virtual atendance options, providing access to a global network of librarians and digitally registered exhibitors.

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This annual event aims to celebrate and promote literary talents, foster a culture of reading, and advance the global publishing industry.
↑ This annual event aims to celebrate and promote literary talents, foster a culture of reading, and advance the global publishing industry.

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