Gulf Today

Sharjah showcases investment opportunit­ies at IIE in Sri Lanka


SHARJAH: The Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) has successful­ly wrapped up its participat­ion in the Internatio­nal Industry Expo (IIE) 2024, held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, from June 19 to 23.

The exhibition featured 25 industry sectors and over 1,000 exhibitors, covering an extensive products and services porfolio. During the event, the Sharjah Chamber showcased a range of investment opportunit­ies available in the emirate’s industrial sector.

Led by Saud Abdulrahma­n Al Hajri, Head of Public Relations and Community Responsibi­lity at SCCI, the Chamber’s delegation highlighte­d the atractive and unique investment advantages offered by the emirate of Sharjah. These include specialise­d industrial cities catering to diverse sectors, a strategic geographic location, and close proximity to major ports and airports, which establish Sharjah as a premier industrial hub.

The Sharjah Chamber emphasised that the Internatio­nal Industry Expo offered a glimpse into the forefront of advancemen­ts within Sri Lanka’s industrial sector, while also presenting the comprehens­ive support SCCI provides to entreprene­urs alongside manufactur­ers and suppliers.

The Chamber facilitate­s access to extensive informatio­n and a wide array of facilities and services, including industrial, logistics, and commercial zones in Sharjah. This helps investors benefit from numerous advantages and incentives the emirate holds, ensuring seamless industrial business operations and broader market reach at both regional and global level.

Moreover, the Sharjah Chamber offers opportunit­ies for investors to engage in industrial exhibition­s and other plaforms adopting best practices, innovation­s, and cuting-edge technologi­es which drive the industrial sector’s developmen­t and sustainabl­e growth.

During meetings with prominent industry leaders on the sidelines of the expo, the Chamber’s delegation spotlighte­d the diverse opportunit­ies available in Sharjah’s industrial sector. They underscore­d the advantages offered for businesses and investors looking to set up new manufactur­ing facilities or form partnershi­ps with the local business community to expand their operations.

The delegation also showcased the immense potential and promising opportunit­ies that Sharjah offers within its dynamic and vital industrial sector. Meanwhile the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) has engaged in discussion­s with a high-level diplomatic delegation from the Republic of Costa Rica, exploring avenues to boost economic and trade cooperatio­n between the two nations at the private sector level.

Both sides discussed ways to advance bilateral relations with a particular focus on industries and Blue Economy projects. They also explored strategies for fostering mutual participat­ion in major trade fairs and enhancing business-tobusiness communicat­ion to increase investment­s between the two countries.

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Officials during the Sri Lanka Internatio­nal Industry Expo 2024.
↑ Officials during the Sri Lanka Internatio­nal Industry Expo 2024.

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