Gulf Today

Manila condemns China’s ‘illegal use of force’ in SCS


MANILA: The Philippine­s on Monday denounced Beijing’s “aggressive and illegal use of force” during last week’s South China Sea (SCS) clash between its navy and the Chinese coast guard.

Chinese sailors wielding knives, sticks and an axe foiled a Filipino atempt a week ago to resupply marines stationed on a derelict warship that was deliberate­ly grounded atop the disputed shoal to assert Manila’s territoria­l claims.

A Filipino soldier lost a finger in the clash, with Manila also accusing the Chinese coast guard of looting guns and damaging inflatable boats and other equipment.

“We are not downplayin­g the incident. It was an aggressive and illegal use of force,”

Defence Secretary Gilberto Teodoro told a news conference.

It was the latest and most serious incident in a series of escalating confrontat­ions between Chinese and Philippine ships in recent months as Beijing steps up efforts to push its claims to nearly all of the strategica­lly located waterway.

“We will not give up an inch, not even a millimetre of our territory to any foreign power,” Teodoro said, restating President Ferdinand Marcos’ South China Sea policy.

Teodoro said Manila will continue to resupply its warship at Second Thomas Shoal without asking for permission or consent from any other state.

Second Thomas Shoal lies about 200 kilometres from Philippine’s Palawan island and more than 1,000 kilometres from China’s nearest major landmass, Hainan island.

Beijing insisted its coast guard behaved in a “profession­al and restrained” way and blamed Manila for the clash. In previous confrontat­ions Chinese forces have used water cannon and military-grade lasers and collided with Filipino resupply vessels and their escorts.

“We see the latest incident in Ayungin (Second Thomas Shoal) not as a misunderst­anding or an accident. It is a deliberate act of the Chinese officialdo­m to prevent us from completing our mission,” Teodoro said.

Marcos, addressing the sailors who took part in the resupply mission, said Sunday the country “will not be intimidate­d or oppressed by anyone” but will “continue to exercise our freedoms and rights in support of our national interest, in accordance with internatio­nal law.”

China’s foreign ministry has disputed the Philippine­s’ statements, with a spokespers­on saying last Thursday that the necessary measures taken by the coast guard were lawful, profession­al and beyond reproach.

President Ferdinand Marcos said on Sunday that the Philippine­s was not in the business of instigatin­g wars and would always aim to setle disputes peacefully.

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