Gulf Today

Modi urges ‘consensus’ as parliament opens after polls

Modi also called for a responsibl­e opposition, urging them to meet the expectatio­ns of the common citizens by upholding the dignity of democracy


Sending a strong message in the very first session of the 18th Lok Sabha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday emphasised that the people of the country expect no obstructiv­e behaviour from the opposition in the new Parliament building.

“In the House, the common man expects debate and diligence. People do not expect tantrums, drama and disturbanc­e. People want substance, not slogans.

“The country needs a good opposition, a responsibl­e opposition and I am sure that the MPS who have won in this 18th Lok Sabha will try to fulfill those expectatio­ns of the common man,” said Modi while addressing the newlyelect­ed MPS.

Modi appealed to an emboldened opposition for “consensus,” as parliament opened following an election setback that forced him into a coalition government for the first time in a decade.

Expected in the first session, which will run until July 3, is a preview of Modi’s plans for his third term and the likely formal appointmen­t of Rahul Gandhi as leader of the opposition - a post vacant since 2014.

Modi’s first two terms in office followed landslide wins for his right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), allowing his government to drive laws through parliament with only cursory debate.

But now analysts expect the 73-year-old Modi to moderate his Hindu-nationalis­t agenda to assuage his coalition partners, focusing more on infrastruc­ture, social welfare and economic reforms.

“People expect their representa­tives to debate and discuss issues which are important to the country... they don’t expect disturbanc­es or hindrances in the parliament­ary proceeding­s,” he said.

“The people of the country expect good steps from the opposition... I hope that the opposition will live up to it,” he said.

There have been several instances in the past when sessions were washed out and the House was not able to conduct normal business even as the government offered discussion­s on several occasions.

The Bjp-led NDA maintained in the past that the opposition did not want issues of public welfare to be discussed.

Despite chaos and high disruption, the NDA government in previous terms was able to pass several bills that were in the national interest and benefited all sections of society.

The first session of the 18th Lok Sabha commenced on Monday with all the newly-elected members of the Parliament, including Modi, taking oaths.

This historic session marks the first time a swearing-in ceremony is being held in the new Parliament building since Independen­ce.

Underscori­ng the importance and the scale of the general elections, Modi said, “The world’s largest election was conducted in a great and magnificen­t manner.

“This third term reflects the people’s recognitio­n and acknowledg­ement of our party’s intentions, policies, and contributi­ons towards the public.

“I express my hearfelt gratitude to the nation for this opportunit­y.”

The Prime Minister also praised the increased representa­tion of youth in the 18th Lok Sabha, calling it a “mater of happiness.”

Modi also called for a responsibl­e opposition, urging them to meet the expectatio­ns of the common citizens by upholding the dignity of democracy.

“I have complete faith that the parliament­arians will aspire to fulfill these expectatio­ns,” he added.

Reflecting on the symbolic significan­ce of the number 18 in Indian heritage, Modi drew parallels with the 18 chapters of the Bhagavad Gita and the 18 Puranas and Upapuranas, stressing the importance of duty and compassion and said that this 18th Lok Sabha is “a path to ‘Amrit Kaal’.”

The Prime Minister expressed his commitment to serving the nation inclusivel­y, emphasisin­g the significan­ce of consensus in governance.

He said, “In the past decade, we have always tried to implement a tradition that a majority should run the government. However, to run a country, a consensus is of foremost importance.”

“We will always aim to serve Maa Bharti and fulfill the aspiration­s of 140 crore people with consensus, upholding the sanctity of the nation’s Constituti­on,” the Prime Minister added.

 ?? Agence France-presse ?? ↑
Narendra Modi addresses the media before the opening of the first session of Parliament in New Delhi on Monday.
Agence France-presse ↑ Narendra Modi addresses the media before the opening of the first session of Parliament in New Delhi on Monday.

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