Gulf Today

Pact for trial of eco-friendly hydrogen bus in Dubai

- Staff Reporter

DUBAI: The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has signed an agreement with Swaidan Trading Company to trial an environmen­tally friendly hydrogen bus in Dubai’s climate and operationa­l conditions. The agreement was signed by Ahmed Hashem Bahrozyan, CEO of RTA’S Public Transport Agency, and Swaidan Al Naboodah, Managing Director of the Company. This initiative is part of RTA’S efforts to provide sustainabl­e, eco-friendly public transporta­tion.

Bahrozyan stated, “We are pleased to sign this agreement to trial and experiment with the first hydrogen bus in the Emirate of Dubai in cooperatio­n with one of the leading national companies in the field of supplying buses according to internatio­nal specificat­ions and standards.

This partnershi­p will help us measure the benefits and performanc­e of the bus. RTA will seek feedback from the driver and customers to identify areas of continuous improvemen­t and provide innovative solutions to enhance bus passenger service in the Emirate of Dubai.”

Bahrozyan added: “The hydrogen bus is equipped with a fuel cell system from the Chinese company Zhongtong Bus Holding Co. Ltd. These buses represent a sustainabl­e future for transporta­tion in terms of technology and environmen­tal impact, as they rely on hydrogen as a fuel source for long-distance travel. Hydrogen is known for its unique properties - it is lightweigh­t and has three times the energy density of diesel fuel while producing no harmful environmen­tal emissions.”

He mentioned that they will test this type of bus on urban roads in the emirate. They will also check if the hydrogen bus suits the climatic conditions in Dubai.

The experiment will involve testing the challenges and opportunit­ies related to the production and supply of hydrogen fuel in the emirate in coordinati­on and cooperatio­n with all partners, mainly the hydrogen supplier ENOC.

This ensures the bus operates sustainabl­y and integrates fully with Dubai’s environmen­tal mass transport system.

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