Gulf Today

11 militants arrested involved in Chinese engineers’ killing

Interior minister says we have forensic evidence to prove that the TTP militants who were operating from Afghanista­n are involved in it; Safe City in Dasue and Chilas on the cards for foreigners

- Tariq Butt / Reuters

Pakistani authoritie­s have arrested 11 militants who were involved in the suicide bombing that killed five Chinese engineers in March in the north of the country which borders Afghanista­n, officials said on Sunday.

The announceme­nt was made at a news conference held by Pakistan’s counter-terrorism chief Rai Tahir along with Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi.

The arrested men belong to local Taliban, also known as Tehrik-e-taliban Pakistan (TTP), which is an umbrella group of dozens of Sunni Islamists and sectarian militant groups.

The TTP aims to overthrow the government and replace it with a harsh brand of Islamic law. Tahir said a cellphone which the suicide bomber had been using to communicat­e with his local handlers led to the arrest of the suspects.

The investigat­ion and evidence show the militants had been taking instructio­ns from TTP leaders in Afghanista­n, he said.

Pakistani military had already said the attack was planned in Afghanista­n and that the suicide bomber was also an Afghan national, a charge Kabul denies.

The TTP previously denied involvemen­t and a spokesman said on Sunday that it had already explained its position on the attack.

“We have forensic evidence to prove that the TTP militants who were operating from Afghanista­n are involved in it,” said Naqvi, the minister.

The suicide bomber drove a vehicle into a convoy of Chinese engineers working on a dam in northwest Pakistan in March, killing five of the engineers and a local diver.

Kabul previously said rising violence in Pakistan is a domestic issue for Islamabad.

Relations between Pakistan and Afghanista­n have soured in recent months. Islamabad says Kabul is not doing enough to tackle militant groups targeting Pakistan.

The minister said legal assistance will be sought from Kabul to arrest another three main members of the TTP who were directing the attacker and his facilitato­r from Afghanista­n.

“We want Afghanista­n to act against these terrorists. Either try them there or hand them over to us,” said the minister.

SAFE CITY: Interior Minister Naqvi has focused on the establishm­ent of the Safe City Project in Dasu and Chilas to ensure the security of Chinese and other foreign nationals.

He announced the formation of a special committee tasked with developing a comprehens­ive plan for the project. The committee has been directed to submit its final recommenda­tions within 15 days.

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has directed the establishm­ent of the Safe City Project in Dasu and Chilas, Naqvi stated and emphasised that the project should be implemente­d following the models of the Safe City projects in Islamabad and Lahore.

“The purpose of Safe City is not just to install cameras but to create a system equipped with advanced technology and artificial intelligen­ce tools,” he added. “This project will ensure comprehens­ive surveillan­ce and security of the entire area.”

The minister assured that the Islamabad police would provide full support for the initiative. He directed the Water and Power Developmen­t Authority (WAPDA), Khyber Pakhtunkhw­a (KP) police, and Islamabad Police to jointly prepare the plan.

A committee comprising Inspector General of Police (IGP) Islamabad, Hazara Regional Police Officer (RPO), and a WAPDA representa­tive has been constitute­d to oversee the project.

“It is our responsibi­lity to ensure the security of Chinese citizens working for the progress and developmen­t of Pakistan,” Naqvi asserted. “No effort will be spared in this regard.”

The meeting was attended by Interior Secretary Khurram Ali Agha, WAPDA Chairman Lt-gen (retd) Sajjad Ghani, Islamabad Chief Commission­er Muhammad Ali Randhawa, and Islamabad IGP Ali Nasir Rizvi. Additional Chief Secretary Home and Additional of KP and Hazara RPO joined the discussion via video link.

There is a sense of urgency among official quarters to take several steps for the security of the Chinese nationals after the Chinese engineers were killed in a terrorist attack in the Northern Areas sometime back.

 ?? File / Reuters ?? ↑
A view of a bridge with China and Pakistan’s flags over the River Indus, at the site of Dasu Dam in Kohistan district, Khyber Pakhtunkhw­a province.
File / Reuters ↑ A view of a bridge with China and Pakistan’s flags over the River Indus, at the site of Dasu Dam in Kohistan district, Khyber Pakhtunkhw­a province.

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