Gulf Today

Russia and China to deepen security ties in Eurasia

Lavrov said that Putin had suggested strengthen­ing Eurasian security and that China and Russia had agreed to ‘start a dialogue with the involvemen­t of our other like-minded people on this issue’


Russia and China have agreed to discuss ways to deepen security co-operation across Europe and Asia to counter atempts by the United States to impose its will on the region, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday ater talks in Beijing.

China and Russia declared a “no limits” partnershi­p in February 2022 when President Vladimir Putin visited Beijing just days before he sent tens of thousands of troops into Ukraine, triggering the deadliest land war in Europe since World War Two.

Lavrov, ater talks with Chinese counterpar­t Wang Yi, said that Putin had suggested strengthen­ing Eurasian security and that China and Russia had agreed to “start a dialogue with the involvemen­t of our other like-minded people on this issue.”

“For a long time, there was a Euro-atlantic security structure in the form of Nato, of course, as well as the OSCE, but it is striking itself out from the list of relevant structures within which it is possible to conduct meaningful negotiatio­ns and agree on something based on a balance of interests,” Lavrov said.

The two countries should oppose “hegemonism” and “any ‘small circle’ that engages in bloc confrontat­ion,” said Wang, China’s top diplomat.

“Nato should not extend its hand to our common homeland,” he added.

Lavrov met Chinese President Xi Jinping ater the meeting with Wang, state media said.

The United States casts China as its biggest competitor and Russia as its biggest nation-state threat while US President Joe Biden argues that this century will be defined by an existentia­l contest between democracie­s and autocracie­s.

Putin and Xi share a broad world view, which sees the West as decadent and in decline, just as China challenges US supremacy in everything from quantum computing and synthetic biology to espionage and hard military power.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Monday she had difficult conversati­ons with Chinese officials during her visit on its co-operation with Moscow.

Yellen warned of “significan­t consequenc­es” for any Chinese companies supporting Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Yellen also said in these meetings that the US would not rule out tariffs on clean energy imports from China to protect its industry.

Russia and China should “jointly oppose unilateral­ism and protection­ism” and “work together to maintain the stability of internatio­nal industry and supply chains,” Wang said.

China has strengthen­ed trade and military ties with Russia in recent years as the United States and its allies imposed sanctions on both, but particular­ly Moscow for the invasion of Ukraine.

China-russian trade hit a record of $240.1 billion in 2023, up 26.3% from a year earlier, Chinese customs data shows.

Chinese shipments to Russia jumped 46.9% in 2023 while imports from Russia rose 13%.

Russia has become China’s top crude supplier, as its oil shipments to China jumped more than 24% in 2023 despite Western sanctions.

China-united States trade fell 11.6% to $664.5 billion in 2023, Chinese customs data shows.

One year into the Ukraine war, China published in 2023 a 12-point position paper on setling the Ukraine crisis. Russia has said China’s position is reasonable.

China backs an internatio­nal conference recognised by both Kyiv and Moscow to “discuss all peace options on an even footing,” Wang said.

Lavrov said Russia wanted the United Nations Security Council to give an assessment of Ukrainian drone atacks on the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzh­ia nuclear power station.

Ukraine has denied it is behind the drone atacks.

Both ministers said their countries would strengthen ties against terrorism.

Militant group Daesh claimed responsibi­lity for the shooting at a concert venue near Moscow where at least 144 people died, but Russia, without providing evidence, has said it believes Ukraine was behind the atack.

“Our co-operation on counter-terrorism will continue, including within the framework of multilater­al institutio­ns,” Lavrov said.

 ?? Associated Press ?? ↑ Sergey Lavrov and Wang Yi attend the talks in Beijing on Tuesday.
Associated Press ↑ Sergey Lavrov and Wang Yi attend the talks in Beijing on Tuesday.

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