Gulf Today

Dubai Police donate Dhs1m to campaign


DUBAI: The Dubai Police announced its contributi­on ofdhs 1 million to them others’ endowment campaign, launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rash id alma k to um, vice president and prime minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to establish a Dhs1 billion endowment fund to support the education of millions around the world.

Launched under the umbrella of mo ham med bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiative­s (MBRGI) and coinciding with the Holy Month of Ramadan, the campaign honors mothers by allowing contributo­rs to make donations in their names. It also aims to support under privileged individual­s and communitie­s in a sustainabl­e way through education.

Lieutenant-general Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri, Commander-in-chief of Dubai Police, said the campaign, launched by his highness sheikh mo hammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, solidifies the UAE’S leading humanitari­an role globally, affirms its reputation as an inspiring role model promoting the values of honouring parents, kindness, compassion and solidarity by launching sustainabl­e projects and campaigns that support people around the world through education and empowermen­t.”

“It is an honour to be part of this campaign and to support its objectives of sustainabl­y supporting underprivi­leged individual­s around the world, by providing the education and skills necessary for a beter future,” he said.

“The Dubai Police confirms its support of the Mothers’ endowment campaign, which honors mothers while building upon the meaningful success of previous Ramadan campaigns launched by MBRGI. This stems from our belief that social responsibi­lity is a national and humanitari­an duty, and that supporting such efforts highlights and cements the UAE community’s noble values,” he added.

Them others’ endowment campaign has exceeded its target in 3 weeks, raising a total of Dhs1.484 billion before the end of Ramadan.

Them others’ endowment campaign continues to welcome donations and contributi­ons to the endowment fund from institutio­ns and individual­s across six main channels including the campaign’s website (Mothersfun­, as well as a dedicated call center via the toll-free number (800 9999). Donations are also possible via bank transfers in the UAE dirham to the campaign bank account number with Emirates Islamic Bank (AE79034000­3708472909­201). Donations via SMS are possible by sending the word “Mother” to the following numbers (1034, 1035, 1036, 1038) for et isa lat bye& users. other possible pl a forms for donating to the campaign are the Dubainow app by clicking the “Donations” tab, and Dubai’s community contributi­ons plaform Jood (

 ?? WAM ?? ↑
The Mothers’ Endowment campaign has exceeded its target in 3 weeks, raising a total of Dhs1.484 billion before the end of Ramadan.
WAM ↑ The Mothers’ Endowment campaign has exceeded its target in 3 weeks, raising a total of Dhs1.484 billion before the end of Ramadan.

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