Gulf Today

Russia says new S. Korean sanctions are ‘unfriendly’


MOSCOW: Russia considers South Korea’s decision to impose sanctions against Russian individual­s and entities as an unfriendly move and will respond in due course, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoma­n Maria Zakharova said.

South Korea has imposed sanctions against two Russian vessels which it says were carrying military cargo to North Korea.

Seoul said on Tuesday it had also sanctioned two Russian organisati­ons and two Russian citizens linked to Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programmes.

“This is an unfriendly move by Seoul and is deeply regretable. The imposition of - I emphasise - illegitima­te sanctions will have a negative impact on relations with Russia,” Zakharova told reporters at her weekly briefing.

“Russia is developing good neighbourl­y ties with friendly North Korea in accordance with the norms of internatio­nal law, without harming the national security of (South Korea),” she added.

Ties between Moscow and Pyongyang have strengthen­ed following North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s visit to Russia’s far east last year.

Last week Russia vetoed the annual renewal of a panel of experts monitoring enforcemen­t of United Nations sanctions against North Korea over its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs.

The US has accused North Korea of transferri­ng weapons to Russia for use in its war in Ukraine.

Both Moscow and Pyongyang have denied the accusation­s, but vowed last year to deepen military relations.

Seoul did not have a problem with ties between North Korea and Russia, South Korea’s foreign ministry spokesman Lim Soo-suk said.

“As the Russian side itself states, RussiaNort­h Korea co-operation must be conducted in compliance of Security Council resolution­s and internatio­nal laws and in a way that does not adversely affect our security,” he told a briefing.

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