Gulf Today

SCCI boosts trade and investment cooperatio­n with Indian businesses

Discussion­s delved into prospects for enhancing coordinati­on between the two business communitie­s and exploring investment opportunit­ies


The Indian Business and Profession­al Council, affiliated with the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI), has conducted an extensive business meeting to discuss ways to strengthen cooperatio­n and boost bilateral trade volume and mutual investment­s between the business communitie­s of Sharjah and India.

Discussion­s delved into prospects for enhancing coordinati­on between the two business communitie­s and exploring investment opportunit­ies across diverse strategic economic sectors.

The meeting also focused on bolstering the exchange of informatio­n regarding investment prospects and building sustainabl­e partnershi­ps to fuel growth in trade exchanges and joint investment­s, leveraging the comprehens­ive economic partnershi­p between the UAE and India.

Held during the Ramadan suhoor banquet at Sharjah’s Jazerat-al-alam, the meeting was atended by Dr Khaled Omar Al Midfa, Chairman of Sharjah Media City (Shams), and HE Ahmed Obaid Al Qaseer, CEO of the Sharjah Investment and Developmen­t Authority (Shurooq), as well as Adel Al Ali, Group Chief Executive Officer of Air Arabia, and Abdul Aziz Al Shamsi, Assistant Director-general for Communicat­ion and Business Sector at SCCI.

Also present were HE Satish Kumar Sivan, Consul General of India in Dubai and the Northern Emirates; Jamal Saeed Buzangal, Director of the Media Department at SCCI; Lalu Samuel, Chairman of the Indian Business and Profession­al Council, along with members of the Indian Business Council, business community representa­tives, and heads of major Indian companies operating in Sharjah.

The meeting underscore­d the facilitati­ve measures and investment prospects extended to Indian companies within the emirate, emphasizin­g the pivotal role of periodic gatherings in bridging communicat­ion between investors, corporate heads, and business leaders from both Sharjah and India.

Moreover, the discussion­s highlighte­d the level of investment cooperatio­n and the diverse opportunit­ies available for Indian companies operating in Sharjah, particular­ly within strategic sectors such as energy, maritime industries, shipping services, and ship agencies. The meeting also delineated opportunit­ies available for Indian companies specializi­ng in commerce, food industries, tourism, real estate, and contractin­g.

Abdul Aziz Al Shamsi emphasised that the Indian Business Council’s meeting, which brought together all those concerned with consolidat­ing ties between Sharjah and Indian business communitie­s, stands as an essential component of the endeavors made by the Sharjah Chamber and its associated business councils to boost business relations between the two communitie­s.

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Officials of both sides during the meeting in Sharjah.
↑ Officials of both sides during the meeting in Sharjah.

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