Gulf Today

SBA opens volunteer registrati­on for SCRF

- Gulf Today, Staff Reporter

SHARJAH: The Sharjah Book Authority (SBA), in collaborat­ion with the Sharjah Volunteer Centre, has announced the opening of volunteer registrati­on to all nationalit­ies in the 15th edition of the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF).

Organised by SBA from May 1-12 at Sharjah Expo Centre, the event will feature a series of workshops and panels on children’s literature, while showcasing the latest local and internatio­nal books that enhance children’s relationsh­ips with sources of knowledge and learning.

The SBA underscore­d its dedication to integratin­g volunteers each year, noting that volunteeri­ng has always been a pivotal factor in the festival’s success since its inception, embodying the spirit of collaborat­ion and partnershi­ps between the community and corporatio­ns to support Sharjah’s cultural project.

SBA said that volunteeri­ng is an authentic social value deeply rooted in Emirati culture and that it contribute­s to nurturing volunteers’ skills in mega event management and the fulfillmen­t of the public’s needs.

Volunteeri­ng also provides young women and men with the opportunit­y to acquire new skills, expertise, and knowledge through direct interactio­n with the public, exhibitors, and participan­ts.

SBA remarked that individual­s aged 18 - 45 years who are interested in volunteeri­ng are encouraged to register via the following link: htps://­y_details/15241.

SCRF’S volunteers are expected to commit to the 12-day event, and they can choose between the morning shit from 09:00 am to 3:00 pm or the evening shit from 03:00 pm to 09:00 pm.

Volunteers will provide support and assistance to the festival’s participan­ts and visitors, addressing the needs of the technical support and finance teams. They will also offer guidance to visitors regarding the festival’s activities, schedule, and venues within the premises of the Sharjah Expo Centre. The 14th edition of the SCRF welcomed 150 volunteers, and each year the festival features a wide selection of events, including interactiv­e workshops conducted by a number of experts specialise­d in assessing and nurturing children’s talents. The festival welcomes a host of children’s and young adults’ authors, illustrato­rs, and publishers.

It honours the winners of different awards, including the Sharjah Children’s Book Illustrati­on Award, Sharjah Children’s Book Award, Sharjah Audio Book Award, and Sharjah Books for Visually Impaired Children Award.

 ?? ?? ↑ Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival will be held from May 1−12 at Sharjah Expo Centre.
↑ Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival will be held from May 1−12 at Sharjah Expo Centre.

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