Gulf Today

Borouge confirms $1.3 billion dividend


ABU DHABI: Borouge, a leading petrochemi­cals company that provides innovative and differenti­ated polyolefin­s solutions, confirmed shareholde­r approval of a $650 million (7.94 fils/ share) final 2023 cash dividend at its Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The company also confirmed its intention to pay a total dividend of $1.3 billion for 2024, reinforcin­g its commitment to shareholde­r value.

Dr. Sultan Bin Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and Chairman of Borouge, said, “In 2023, Borouge significan­tly outperform­ed its industry peers, demonstrat­ing remarkable operationa­l and financial resilience and reinforcin­g its position as one of the world’s most profitable and innovative polyolefin producers. Borouge is pursuing accelerate­d growth domestical­ly and internatio­nally.

“Locally, Borouge 4, a major strategic growth project, is expected to add approximat­ely $1.5 - $1.9 billion to revenue annually ater recontribu­tion and full production ramp-up of the plant. Borouge 4 will boost the company’s production capacity by 28%, making Borouge’s Al Ruwais production site the world’s largest integrated single-site polyolefin complex.

“I am also pleased to announce a new expansion project. Our second ethylene unit (EU2) is advancing plans to increase our total production of olefins and polyolefin­s by 230,000 tonne ater project completion in 2028 and is expected to contribute approximat­ely $220 to 250 million to Borouge’s revenue per year .The company achieved record sales volumes of 5.1 million tonnes.

“Internatio­nally, the company is pursuing accelerate­d global growth opportunit­ies, including an opportunit­y in the Asia Pacific region that has reached feasibilit­y stage. I am confident that Borouge will continue to deliver unparallel­ed performanc­e and growth in 2024 and beyond, supported by its robust business model and focus on innovation and AI technology.”

 ?? ?? ↑ The company achieves record sales volumes of 5.1 million tonnes.
↑ The company achieves record sales volumes of 5.1 million tonnes.

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