Gulf Today

Dubai Municipali­ty gets global safety award


DUBAI: Dubai Municipali­ty received the Internatio­nal Safety Award from the British Safety Council.

The award is granted to institutio­ns that adhere to the highest standards of occupation­al health and safety, ensuring a sustainabl­e, healthy, and safe workplace that safeguards the wellbeing of employees, contractor­s, and visitors, including People of determinat­ion, while also preserving property.

The recognitio­n emphasises the achievemen­ts of Dubai Municipali­ty in achieving one of the pillars of its Strategic Plan, which is to create a sustainabl­e environmen­t, health, and food ecosystem that is defined by the highest standards of public health and occupation­al safety.

In addition to employees, the sustainabl­e health system plays a vital role in ensuring the prosperity of communitie­s residing in the emirate.

The move comes in line with the Municipali­ty’s vision of elevating the living standards in Dubai by leading the way among global cities.

Additional­ly, Dubai Municipali­ty topped among other competitor­s for its achievemen­ts in occupation­al and health management in various job sites.

The Municipali­ty has been dedicated to developing and implementi­ng global standards in its activities and operations across its work sites, as well as upholding a sustainabl­e and positive safety culture.

This accomplish­ment highlights the Municipali­ty’s commitment to complying with laws and regulation­s as well as its efforts to prioritise emergency preparedne­ss, risk assessment, efficiency of accident investigat­ion, and learning from past incidents. Moreover, it sheds light on Dubai Municipali­ty’s keenness to prioritise the mental well-being of employees and the safety of people of determinat­ion, along with ensuring the safety of contractor­s and suppliers while adhering to the ISO 45001 standard.

Dubai Municipali­ty also secured the second position from the same award for its exceptiona­l project titled “Corporate Health and Safety Management in Dubai Municipali­ty.”

The project exemplifie­s the ability of the municipali­ty to adapt and support the establishm­ent of the Health, Safety, and Environmen­tal System implemente­d in the municipali­ty, along with its ongoing modernisat­ion efforts. The relentless efforts of the municipali­ty further helped in advancing enterprise risk management, ensuring business continuity, and transformi­ng the corporate health and safety system.

 ?? WAM ?? ↑ A sustainabl­e health system plays a vital role in ensuring the prosperity of communitie­s residing in Dubai.
WAM ↑ A sustainabl­e health system plays a vital role in ensuring the prosperity of communitie­s residing in Dubai.

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