Gulf Today

US eyes change to military command in Japan


TOKYO: US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will agree next month to tighter military co-operation, including talks on the biggest potential change to Washington’s East Asia command structure in decades, two sources said.

Washington will consider appointing a fourstar commander to oversee its forces in Japan as a counterpar­t to the head of a proposed Japanese Self Defence Forces (SDF) headquarte­rs overseeing all of the country’s military operations, said the sources, who have direct knowledge of the plan.

“We are in discussion about how our planned joint command can strengthen cooperatio­n with the US and South Korea,” Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said on Monday at a regular media briefing when asked about the reports. The agenda for the Biden-kishida summit has not yet been decided, he added.

Kishida wants to establish the joint command headquarte­rs before the end of March 2025.

Tokyo has said it has “serious concern” over China’s growing military power and the threat it poses Taiwan, just over 100 kilometres from Japanese territory.

Unlike in neighbouri­ng South Korea, where US and South Korean troops can operate under a unified command under a four-star general, US air, land and sea forces in Japan have a three-star commander and do not have any authority over Japanese troops.

A four-star commander - the highest peacetime rank in any of the US service branches - would match the rank of the Japanese counterpar­t in the new headquarte­rs.

A US officer of that rank might lay the groundwork for a future unified Japanese-us command, experts say.

Some US officials, however, want any new US commander there to be responsibl­e only for joint exercises, training and informatio­n sharing with the new SDF headquarte­rs, said one of the sources, both of whom asked not to be identified because they are not authorised to speak to the media.

The White House, the US National Security Council and the State Department did not immediatel­y respond to Reuters requests for comment.

Biden and Kishida will unveil their plans when they meet next month in Washington, the Yomiuri newspaper and Financial Times reported earlier.

Japan is crucial for US military power in Asia, hosting 54,000 American troops, hundreds of aircrat and Washington’s only forward-deployed aircrat carrier strike group.

The bases on Japanese islands allow the United States to project military power across the region and hem in Chinese influence.

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