Gulf Today

Imran’s tussle with army strengthen­s Shahbaz’s govt

- Tariq Butt

ISLAMABAD: Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehrik-e-insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan’s unending fight with the establishm­ent is the main source of strength for the Shahbaz Sharif government, said a report.

The jailed PTI founder chairman recently said that the Shahbaz Sharif government would not last more than four to five months and believed that the government’s fall would pave the way for his release from Adiala Jail Rawalpindi.

Imran though sets his eye on the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) to see it happen, ignores how his continuing confrontat­ion with the establishm­ent and PTI’S atacks on the institutio­n of army actually make him the source of strength for the Shahbaz Sharif government.

The PPP is not a part of the federal cabinet but, according to the report, sources said that it has assured complete cooperatio­n to Shahbaz Sharif government in response to geting some top constituti­onal posts, including that of the President of Pakistan, Senate Chairman, Deputy Speaker National Assembly and two governors.

Some believe that the PPP may even join the cabinet after the Shahbaz Sharif government takes some unpopular decisions and does the privatisat­ion of Pakistan Internatio­nal Airlines (PIA); there was no such understand­ing reached between the two sides at the time of the formation of the government. Traditiona­lly the strength of the civil government­s in Pakistan is more dependent on government-establishm­ent relationsh­ip than anything else. In the past, government­s even enjoying two-third majority could not complete tenures because of their troubled relations with the establishm­ent. On the contrary, Shahbaz Sharif-led last Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) government with 13 coalition partners successful­ly sailed through mainly because of the establishm­ent’s complete support.

On the one side, Asif Ali Zardari’s presence in the Presidency is seen by different stakeholde­rs as an assurance for Shahbaz Sharif government and on the other side the top military command in its last corps commanders’ conference offered full support to the new government. In the same meeting, it resolved to bring to justice the planners and atackers of May 9.

The forum reiterated to continue providing full support to the government in combating security threats and upliting the socioecono­mic growth in the country including wholeheart­ed assistance in curbing all illegal activities including smuggling, hoarding, electricit­y thet, implementa­tion of One Document Regime and respectabl­e and safe repatriati­on of all illegal foreigners, the military said ater the conference.

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