Gulf Today

A resolution that means a lot

- By Agha Riaz

Pakistan Day, known as the Pakistan Resolution Day. On this day — March 23 — a formal political statement adopted by All-india Muslim League in Lahore in 1940. It called for the creation of ‘independen­t states’ for Muslims in north-western and eastern British India. Because of this day world witnessed a new country named Pakistan on the globe on 14th August 1947.

The name ‘Pakistan’ had been proposed by Choudhary Rahmat Ali in his Pakistan Declaratio­n earlier in 1933, Muhammad Ali Jinnah and other leaders had kept firm their belief in Hindu-muslim unity. However, the volatile political climate gave the idea stronger backing.

The roots of the struggle for independen­ce of British India can be traced back to the uprising of 1857, which started off as a rebellion of the British East India Company soldiers but soon took the shape of a freedom struggle and caused a major threat to Company Raj (Company Rule) in an undivided India.

On this day the main feature of Pakistan Day celebratio­ns is a parade at Constituti­on Avenue in Islamabad. An award ceremony is organised where the president gives military and civilian awards to recognise recipients’ achievemen­ts and contributi­ons to Pakistan.

In the history of our country, it is crucial that people motivated by religious faith develop a deep appreciati­on becomes the weakness of our life-systems. We should take steps to defend our land not with different ideology. Still there is so much to do from our side for this beautiful God’s git. God has blessed our land with so many minerals and we are facing some challenges, where the future of life is at stake. People of Pakistan are called to take a stand on the side of life.

The beauty did not end at the shoreline, the sceneries alongside the rivers, the beautiful water scenes surrounded by clear seas and studded with coral reefs. The historic site, incredible archeologi­cal site like Mohenjo-daro that built around 2600 BCE, it was one of the largest setlements of the ancient Indus Valley Civilisati­on, and one of the world’s earliest major urban setlements, contempora­neous with the civilizati­ons of ancient Egypt, Mesopotami­a, and Crete. The second highest mountain in the world K2, ater Mount Everest, is located in this land.

First of all this Pakistan Day reminds us to be united, caring and loving to mould and reshape this land with all its beauty, richness and splendour together as a mutually supportive community.

It is already late and so much damage has been done. Even now there are signs of stress in every corner of our land. As we look at what is happening before our eyes, and think of the horrendous consequenc­es for the land and the people.

For the past number of years we have experience­d political instabilit­y, economic decline and growth in armed conflict.

As we thank God for the many ways He has gited this land we must resolve to cherish and protect this for the future of Pakistan.

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