Gulf Today

Space shuttle Pushpak ‘Viman’ successful­ly launched


CHENNAI: India progressed further in its atempt to realise a reusable launch vehicle (RLV)/ rocket named ‘Pushpak’ by successful­ly test landing RLV LEX-2 on Friday at the Aeronautic­al Test Range (ATR) in Karnataka’s Chitradurg­a.

According to Indian Space Research Organisati­on (ISRO), the RLV LEX-2 demonstrat­ed the autonomous landing capability from off-nominal initial conditions at the release from a helicopter.

The ‘Indian space shutle’ the winged Pushpak was lited by an Indian Air Force helicopter and was released from 4.5 km altitude.

Post release, Pushpak at a distance of 4 km on its own approached the runway along with crossrange correction­s.

Pushpak landed precisely on the runway and cametoahal­tusingitsb­rakeparach­utelanding­gear brakes and nose wheel steering system, ISRO said.

For the second time ISRO successful­ly completed a test landing of its RLV.

“The mission successful­ly simulated the approach and high speed landing conditions of RLV returning from space. With this second mission, ISRO has revalidate­d its indigenous­ly developed technologi­es in the areas of navigation, control systems, landing gear and decelerati­on systems essential for performing a high speed autonomous landing of a space returning vehicle,” the Indian space agency said.

ISRO had used the winged body and all flight systems that were used in RLV-LEX-01 test thereby validating the reuse capability of flight hardware and flight systems.

According to ISRO, the airframe structure and landing gear of RLV-LEX-01 was strengthen­ed based on the first test landing.

The mission was achieved by ISRO’S Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) along with the Liquid Propulsion System Centre and the ISRO Inertial Systems Unit.

The Indian space agency collaborat­ed with various other government agencies.

According to Dr. S. Unnikrishn­an Nair, with the repeated success, ISRO could master the terminal phase maneuverin­g, landing and energy management in a fully autonomous mode, which is a critical step towards the future orbital re-entry missions.

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