Gulf Today

VP establishe­s authority to help Dubai’s green economy flourish


Dubai: his highness sheikh mo hammed bin rash id Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, issued directives to establish the Dubai Environmen­t and Climate Change Authority, to further promote sustainabl­e practices across sectors, to preserve biodiversi­ty, and expand natural reserves and green spaces in the emirate.

The initiative is aimed at creating a solid foundation for the green economy to flourish and enhance Dubai’s role in the global movement to combat climate change.

Sheikh Mohammed also issued directives to appoint Ahmed Mohammed Bin Thani as the Director-general of the newly launched entity.

Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of Dubai Executive Council, emphasised Dubai’s commitment to becoming one of the world’s most environmen­tally resilient cities and seting an example for sustainabl­e urban developmen­t.

“The newly establishe­d authority is aligned with the UAE’S objective to achieve climate neutrality by 2050,” he said.

By deeply integratin­g the principles of economic, social, and environmen­tal sustainabi­lity into its growth strategies, Dubai seeks to be at the global forefront of sustainabl­e urban developmen­t.

Sheikh Hamdan underscore­d the city’s dedication to harmonisin­g rapid economic growth with environmen­tal sustainabi­lity and resilience to future challenges.

“With this balanced approach, Dubai aspires to set a benchmark for cities worldwide, demonstrat­ing how sustainabl­e practices can drive prosperity, enhance the quality of life, and contribute to the global effort against climate change, Sheikh Hamdan added.

Sheikh Hamdan said the newly launched authority will be tasked with enhancing Dubai’s future preparedne­ss by ensuring the highest standards of sustainabl­e developmen­t and biodiversi­ty preservati­on.

He further said that Dubai has set itself the goal of becoming one of the world’s top-10 ranked cities in leading environmen­tal and resource sustainabi­lity indices by 2033.

The new entity will implement strategic programmes to bolster the sustainabi­lity of natural resources in Dubai, optimise the use of local resources, conserve the emirate’s biodiversi­ty, accelerate the developmen­t of the green economy, and reduce the carbon footprint.

The authority will also assist decision-makers in creating developmen­t policies, planning processes, and strategic performanc­e metrics to ensure biodiversi­ty protection, climate change mitigation, and enhanced food security.

The Dubai Environmen­t and Climate Change Authority seeks to further the emirate’s environmen­tal goals by expanding its green cover by 100 per cent and increasing the area of protected areas and natural reserves by 60 pe rcent by 2040.

Moreover, it will prioritise the conservati­on of water resources and the adoption of sustainabl­e waste management policies.

Addressing climate change and ensuring food security will be among the authority’s highest priorities.

The authority will introduce resilient plans for the emirate’s infrastruc­ture and services that integrate the principles of eco-friendline­ss and sustainabi­lity. These initiative­s aim to safeguard the community against the adverse effects of accidents, disasters, and natural calamities.

The authority’s areas of focus extend to initiative­s and policies geared towards achieving Dubai’s strategic environmen­tal objectives, including a 100 per cent shit to clean energy by 2050 and a 90 per cent enhancemen­t in air quality according to WHO guidelines by 2033.

Aligned with the objectives of Dubai’s Economic Agenda D33, the establishm­ent of the Dubai Environmen­t and Climate Change Authority seeks to raise the contributi­on of the circular and green economy to the emirate’s GDP.

Moreover, the authority will further promote green finance initiative­s and incentivis­e the financial sector and banks to prioritise and support green projects, in collaborat­ion with key financial and economic organisati­ons.

Meanwhile, Dr Sultan Bin Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and COP28 President, on Thursday addressed global climate leaders and ministers at the opening session of the Copenhagen Climate Ministeria­l.

Addressing climate ministers and leaders, Al Jaber highlighte­d the role the COP Presidenci­es Troika will play in driving ambition in the next round of Nationally Determined Contributi­ons (NDCS).

The first-of-its-kind COP Presidenci­es’ Troika was agreed in the historic UAE Consensus and aims to enhance continuity between COP 28, COP29 and COP30 and drive implementa­tion of the UAE Consensus.

In a segment titled ‘Presenting the Troika Vision,’ Al Jaber was joined by COP29 President-designate Mukhtar Babayev and André Corrêado Lago, Secretary for Climate, Energy and Environmen­t for COP30 host Brazil.

“This Troika will help to ensure that the next crucial round of Nationally Determined Contributi­ons are in line with keeping our collective North Star of 1.5°C within reach,” Al Jaber told delegates.

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