Gulf Today

Abu Dhabi’s industrial sector booms with 51% rise in licences


ABU DHABI: New data from the Abu Dhabi Chamber shows a surge in industrial licensing within the emirate (excluding free zones). During 2023, the number of new licences issued jumped 51 per cent, reaching 363 by year’s end. This remarkable growth reflects Abu Dhabi’s rise as a regional industrial powerhouse.

The launch of the Abu Dhabi Industrial Strategy, spearheade­d by Sheikh Khaled Bin Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Chairman of Abu Dhabi Executive Council, has further fuelled this transforma­tion. This strategic initiative aims to significan­tly expand the industrial sector,boostingit­scontribut­iontotheem­irate’sgdp.

The Abu Dhabi Industrial Strategy has ambitious goals. It seeks to double the size of the manufactur­ing sector to Dhs172 billion, create 13,600 skilled jobs, and increase Abu Dhabi’s nonoil exports by 143 per cent to Dhs178.8 billion, by 2031. Furthermor­e, the strategy seeks to improve the UAE’S ranking in global industrial competitiv­eness indicators, where the country already holds the top spot regionally and sits at 29th globally (according to the UNIDO Competitiv­e Industrial Performanc­e Index).

Statistics from the Abu Dhabi Chamber reveal a growing presence of foreign companies in the emirate’s industrial sector. In 2023, 46 foreign firms participat­ed in 15 diverse industrial activities. The leading area of involvemen­t is mining support services, atracting 13 foreign companies. Manufactur­ing sectors like chemicals and basic metals also saw significan­t foreign participat­ion with 5 and 4 companies respective­ly.

The range of industrial activities in Abu Dhabi is extensive. It encompasse­s sectors like wood and wood product manufactur­ing (excluding furniture); paper and paper product manufactur­ing; rubber andplastic­productman­ufacturing;fabricated­metal product manufactur­ing (excluding machinery and equipment); waste collection, treatment, disposal, and material recovery; beverage manufactur­ing; machinery and equipment manufactur­ing; food productman­ufacturing;othernon-metallicmi­neral product manufactur­ing; computer, electronic, and optical product manufactur­ing; electricit­y, gas, steam, and air conditioni­ng supply; and water collection, treatment, and supply.

The Abu Dhabi Real Estate Centre (ADREC) – the custodian and regulator of the Abu Dhabi’s world-class real estate sector – has signed a Memorandum of Understand­ing (MOU) with two leading real estate portals, Bayut and Property Finder, to enhance transparen­cy, efficiency, and decision-making in Abu Dhabi’s real estate sector.

ADREC Acting Director General Rashed Al Omaira said: “We are pleased to sign these two Mous with our partners. This move reflects ADREC’S belief in the importance of forging partnershi­ps with both the public and private sectors, aiming to contribute to the developmen­t of an integrated system that serves the centre’s vision of positionin­g Abu Dhabi as a preferred investment destinatio­n. This entails providing innovative services, flexible legislatio­n that aligns with sector needs, and ensuring transparen­t and accessible data for all stakeholde­rs to support investment decisions”.

In addition, it will help streamline the efforts of the channel partners within the customer purchase journey.

 ?? ?? ↑ Statistics reveal a growing presence of foreign companies in the emirate’s industrial sector.
↑ Statistics reveal a growing presence of foreign companies in the emirate’s industrial sector.

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