Gulf Today

MOEI collaborat­es with Neonautica to develop UAE Blue Pass platform


DUBAI: The Ministry of Energy and Infrastruc­ture (MOEI) has signed a collaborat­ion agreement with Neonautica, a company specialise­d in technology and digital services for the maritime sector. This collaborat­ion aims to develop and operate the UAE Blue Pass plaform, which is dedicated to creating quality packages of privileges and facilities.

These efforts will enhance the competitiv­eness of the national maritime sector, promote its atractiven­ess to internatio­nal investors, provide added value to maritime companies operating in the UAE and commercial ships calling its ports, and usher in a new era of innovation in the maritime industry. The agreement was signed by Hessa Al Malek, Advisor to the Minister for Maritime Transport and Affairs at the UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastruc­ture, and Capt. Rami Al Breiki, CEO of Neonautica, in the presence of officials from both sides.

Al Malek said, “The project will be a major supporter in making the UAE the global hub for the new knowledge and data-based economy in the next ten years. The plaform will incorporat­e advanced features alongside comprehens­ive industry insights, thereby providing seamless and effective solutions for maritime profession­als in the UAE. By connecting profession­als, ship owners, and maritime service providers.”

She highlighte­d that through this collaborat­ion, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastruc­ture aims to expand the Blue Pass initiative to encompass multiple modes of transporta­tion. This strategic expansion aims to position the UAE as the premier logistical partner for global trade, further consolidat­ing its leadership in the logistics industry.

Capt. Al Breiki emphasised that Neonautica is commited to creating a seamless and integrated plaform that fosters growth and prosperity for the maritime sector.

The developed plaform aims to establish a sophistica­ted and advanced digital environmen­t, seamlessly connecting maritime profession­als. Its primary objectives include enhancing cooperatio­n among stakeholde­rs in the maritime sector, fostering communicat­ion and transparen­cy, expanding coverage to include all modes of transporta­tion, and elevating the UAE’S position as a key player in global logistics through technology integratio­n.

Meanwhile the Ministry of Energy and Infrastruc­ture (MOEI) on February launched the Big Data Ecosystem for the Energy and Infrastruc­ture Sectors and the Digital Twin Plaform for the Energy and Infrastruc­ture sectors in cooperatio­n with stakeholde­rs from the government and private sectors in order to enhance the quality of life and sustainabl­e developmen­t.

The two initiative­s were announced by Suhail Mohamed Al Mazrouei, Minister of Energy and Infrastruc­ture, at a press conference held at the World Government­s Summit. At the event, MOEI signed a number of memoranda of understand­ing different entities to support these initiative­s.

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Officials of Ministry of Energy and Infrastruc­ture and Neonautica signing the collaborat­ion agreement.
↑ Officials of Ministry of Energy and Infrastruc­ture and Neonautica signing the collaborat­ion agreement.

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