Gulf Today

Weather consequenc­es managed


SHARJAH: The Sharjah Police General Headquarte­rs’ Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management Team has confirmed that the recent weather situation in the UAE was contained due to the concerted efforts and joint coordinati­on between all relevant authoritie­s and strategic partners.

To mitigate material damage and casualties caused by the prevailing depression, a series of operations were implemente­d. 1,096 police officers, with 473 police vehicles and patrols, were deployed on internal and external roads to enhance community security, deal with any emergency, and ensure smooth traffic flow. This was particular­ly important on roads that witnessed traffic congestion due to rainwater accumulati­on.

Additional­ly, immediate social assistance and support were provided to shelter 202 people, ensuring temporary housing stability.

It also enhanced the readiness of its security cadres in the operations room to deal and respond immediatel­y to all reports and calls received before, during and after the depression, respond to all inquiries, and provide all aspects of support and assistance to its customers in several languages, including Arabic, English and Urdu.

During the depression, the operations room dealt with 24,166 calls through the 999 and 901 call centres, with the 999 call centre quickly dealing with (19,287) calls, and the 901 call centre dealing with (4,879) calls.

The security personnel in the operations room were working with all their dedication. They promptly dealt with and responded to all reports and calls received before, during, and after the depression. Additional­ly, they efficientl­y provided support and assistance to customers in multiple languages, such as Arabic, English, and Urdu, and responded to all inquiries with confidence. During the depression period, the operations room successful­ly managed a total of 24,166 calls through the 999 and 901. The 999 call centre efficientl­y handled 19,287 calls, while the 901 call centre effectivel­y dealt with 4,879 calls.

The Media and Public Relations Department effectivel­y broadcast awareness and guidance messages through a variety of visual, print, and audio media outlets, as well as social media platforms. This approach significan­tly contribute­d to enhancing public awareness and successful­ly achieved the desired goals, the Sharjah Police said.

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