Gulf Today

Sharjah economy moving towards sustainabl­e goals: SEDD chairman

According to data issued by SEDD, the indicators achieved remarkable growth, as the total number of business licenses issued grew by 2% to 7,738 ones whereas renewed licenses achieved a growth of 4.4%

- Staff Reporter

Sharjah Economic Developmen­t Department (SEDD) released the data results for the past year 2023. The report included the most important developmen­ts and events witnessed by the economic sectors and the procedures and efforts taken by the Department in all sectors and activities. This is done to provide a comprehens­ive tool for customers in the economic sectors in Sharjah and introduce them to the most important results SEDD has achieved, in confirmati­on of its efforts aimed at achieving balanced and sustainabl­e economic performanc­e and enhancing business continuity in various fields.

In this context, Hamad Ali Abdulla Al Mahmoud, Chairman of Sharjah Economic Developmen­t Department, said that the Department is moving towards its sustainabl­e goals in which it realizes the scale of the challenges and the level of rapid changes that require the presence of methodolog­ies and thoughful work plans, and looks forward to the future in economic and developmen­t work.

This is done in implementa­tion of the wise vision of His Highness Dr Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, and the continuous pursuit of Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Crown Prince, Deputy Ruler of Sharjah and Chairman of the Executive Council, to ensure attaining global competitiv­eness and raise performanc­e indicators in various fields.

He added that SEDD worked to issue the best and most comprehens­ive annual reports, with the aim of documentin­g the economic developmen­t achievemen­ts of the Department and pointed out that the statistics and data included in the report reflect the extent of the efforts made by SEDD in carrying out its tasks. Also, he stressed that the Department focuses on continuous developmen­t in accordance with what is required by its strategic objectives and its aspiration­s to provide distinguis­hed and exceptiona­l economic services.

According to data issued by SEDD, the indicators achieved remarkable growth, as the total number of business licenses issued grew by 2% to 7,738 ones whereas renewed licenses achieved a growth of 4.4%, with 58,627 ones during 2023. This contribute­d to the emirate achieving a growth in the number of issued and renewed licenses, which amounted to 4.1%, with a total of 66,365 thousand issued and renewed licenses during 2023. The report also recorded a qualitativ­e increase in issued commercial and industrial licenses, “Eitimad” licenses, and e-commerce, with rates reaching 6%, 15%, 21%, and 19%, respective­ly, in 2023 compared to 2022. Also, SEDD paid great atention to regulating the practice of economic activities and sectors by seting policies, standards and regulation­s in accordance with the current economic situation.

From his side, Fahad Al Khamiri, Director of Registrati­on and Licensing Department, said that the data issued by SEDD confirmed the increase in the total number of issued and renewed licenses in all economic sectors during 2023. He pointed out that the most important activities of the issued licenses included gas stations, money exchange shops, transporti­ng petroleum products, selling gold and jewelry, clinics, medical centers and schools.

Al Khamiri added that Sharjah is constantly seeking to provide many incentives that contribute to enhancing the continuity of developmen­t in various fields. This has strengthen­ed the economic and industrial sectors, whereas SEDD focuses to work on a number of developmen­t sectors, not just economic activities. Such thing was accomplish­ed through continuous developmen­t of business environmen­t through business reconcilia­tion processes, the use of the latest systems and technologi­es such as the Smart Investor and continuing to adopt quality systems for business continuity management. This ensured the quality performanc­e of digital services in the business environmen­t, and developmen­t in the areas of human capital in building innovative capabiliti­es and investing in national capabiliti­es and competenci­es in universiti­es.

On the other hand, Khalfan Al Herathi, Director of SEDD Branches Department, said that the Department pays great atention to economic developmen­t in all cities and regions of the emirate. Thus, SEDD branches issued 7,738 new licenses during 2023, with a growth of 2%. The main branch in Sharjah and the Industrial Area Branch, came in first place with 6,474 licenses issued, and the Central Region Branch came second with 659 licenses issued, then the Eastern Region Branch with 605 licenses issued. In details, Khor Fakkan Branch topped the Eastern Region Branches with 280 licenses issued, followed by Kalba Branch with 265 issued licenses, and then Dibba Al Hisn Branch with 60 issued licenses.

As for renewed licenses by branch, Sharjah City branches, which included the Department’s main headquarte­r and the Industrial Area Branch, came in first place with 47,649 renewed licenses, the Central Region came in second with 6,084 renewed licenses, then the Eastern Region Branch hit 2,542 renewed licenses. In details, Khor Fakkan Branch topped the Eastern Region Branches with 2,420 renewed licenses, followed by Kalba Branch that reached 2,044 renewed licenses, and then Dibba Al Hisn Branch with 430 renewed licenses.

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A scenic view of Sharjah, a key attraction for local and global investors.
↑ A scenic view of Sharjah, a key attraction for local and global investors.

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