Gulf Today

DWE awarded with Moro Hub’s Green Cloud Certificat­ion


DUBAI: Moro Hub, a subsidiary of Digital Dewa, the digital arm of Dubai Electricit­y and Water Authority, awarded a certificat­e to Dubai Women Establishm­ent (DWE), a government entity that supports the effective Women participat­ion in leadership and the socio-economic future of Dubai through influencin­g, proposing and adopting policies, sharing knowledge and leading initiative­s that enhances women’s role in various sectors. The Green Certificat­e was presented to Naeema Ahli, Acting CEO of Dubai Women Establishm­ent by Mohammed Bin Sulaiman, CEO of Moro Hub for hosting their data on Vmware certified Moro Hub’s Green Cloud plaform.

“We congratula­te Dubai Women Establishm­ent for their forward-thinking approach in choosing Moro Hub’s Green Cloud. Our plaform not only meets the highest industry standards for data security and efficiency but also supports the global push towards a more sustainabl­e future. We look forward to our collaborat­ion and helping DWE achieve its environmen­tal and digital objectives,” said Mohammed Bin Sulaiman CEO of Moro Hub.

Moro Hub’s Green Cloud is an innovative and sustainabl­e cloud computing solution designed to minimize the environmen­tal impact of data hosting. By choosing Moro Hub’s Green Cloud, DWE has demonstrat­ed leadership in embracing green technologi­es and contributi­ng to the broader sustainabi­lity goals of the United Arab Emirates.

For her part, Naeema Ahli, Acting CEO of Dubai Women Establishm­ent, said: “We are proud to be at the forefront of environmen­tally conscious practices in the digital space.”

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