Gulf Today

Aquarium carnival ends with marine celebratio­n

- Staff Reporter

SHARJAH: Sharjah Museums Authority has successful­ly concluded its “Sharjah Aquarium Carnival,” a five-day extravagan­za that captivated a large audience with its engaging and well-organized activities.

This event, held under the captivatin­g theme “Swimming Together” from February 28, showcased animpressi­vecollabor­ationbetwe­envariouse­ntities and individual­s, underscori­ng its significan­t impact in drawing atention to marine conservati­on and the urgency of safeguardi­ng our oceanic treasures.

The carnival is a cornerston­e of the Authority’s ongoing strategy to bolster domestic tourism by illuminati­ng the splendour of marine life and emphasisin­g the critical role of environmen­tal preservati­on.

It aligns with the UAE’S broader commitment to environmen­tal sustainabi­lity and underscore­s the marine environmen­t’s vital contributi­on to sustainabl­e developmen­t.

Rashid Juma Al Shamsi, Curator of Sharjah Aquarium,expressedi­mmenseprid­einthecarn­ival’s eighth edition, highlighti­ng it as a testament to the Authority’s dedication to fostering environmen­tal consciousn­ess and natural resource conservati­on.

“Sharjah Aquarium Carnival transcends mere entertainm­ent; it serves as an enlighteni­ng platform that enhances understand­ing of marine biodiversi­ty, integral to our natural and cultural heritage,” Al Shamsi said.

He emphasised the educationa­l focus of this year’s carnival on fish swarms, combining family fun with insighful interactio­ns with the marine world.

“Our goal is to embed the ethos of conservati­on within our visitors, drawing inspiratio­n from the collective behaviour of fish. Through a mix of workshops, theatrical performanc­es, and parades, we aim to celebrate marine beauty, educate the public on its preservati­on, and foster a deeper appreciati­on for biodiversi­ty.”

The carnival featured an array of competitio­ns, enriching the audience’s cultural and intellectu­al engagement, alongside a mesmerisin­g theatrical performanc­e by The Art for All Centre- Al Falaj, titled “The Return of Crescent Perch Fish, A Journey in the World of Imaginatio­n.” This narrative explored the adventurou­s journey of a curious fish leaving her group and her return to safety ater facing different challenges and risks.

Muhammad Bakr, Director of the Art for All Centre – Al Falaj, voiced his enthusiasm for the Centre’s second consecutiv­e participat­ion, highlighti­ng this year’s art exhibition “Rhythm” in collaborat­ion with Al Ramlah School. The exhibition showcased 30 pieces by 15 artists with disabiliti­es.

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Children take part in games during the Sharjah Aquarium Carnival.
↑ Children take part in games during the Sharjah Aquarium Carnival.

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