Gulf Today

Family Developmen­t Foundation makes beatitude of life grow rich

Introduced as part of Beter Family Life Discussion Councils service, the comprehens­ive programme includes a series of 14 discussion councils, applied sessions, and an advanced course

- Staff Reporter

The Family Developmen­t Foundation (FDF) launched ‘The Path of True Happiness towards Integrated Quality of Life’ training programme to inspire individual­s to embrace positive thinking and happiness as a lifestyle. Introduced as part of Beter Family Life Discussion Councils service, the comprehens­ive programme includes a series of 14 discussion councils, applied sessions, and an advanced course.

Sanaa Al Suwaidi, Director of the Family Developmen­t Foundation Centres in Al Ain region, said: “At FDF, we are commited to introducin­g this transforma­tive programme such as ‘The Path of True Happiness towards Integrated Quality of Life’ training programme as part of Discussion Councils. With this programme, we seek to inspire individual­s to embrace positive thinking and happiness as a lifestyle. We believe that by enhancing the social well-being of people, we can significan­tly improve their overall quality of life.”

She continued, “Discussion Councils, a vital component of the Beter Family Life service, are designed to strengthen the concepts and skills necessary to enhance the well-being of all family members and society as a whole. Our objective is to promote happiness and prosperity by enabling individual­s to assess their capabiliti­es, develop necessary skills, and foster stronger social connection­s. Through these councils, we aim to equip individual­s with the necessary skills to foster positive family ties and provide interactiv­e methods that encourage engagement between family members and society, all within a social environmen­t that combines enjoyment with the applicatio­n of a high quality of life.”

Amal Azzam, social expert at the FDF, said: “The FDF seeks to cultivate strong family bonds, fostering a society brimming with happiness and harmony through the introducti­on of ‘The Path of True Happiness towards Integrated Quality of Life’ training programme. This initiative is designed to enrich individual­s’ social lives, thereby enhancing their overall well-being. Additional­ly, it nurtures emotional empathy, social intelligen­ce, and tolerance, enabling people to effectivel­y apply these qualities in their interactio­ns.”

She highlighte­d that the implementa­tion of Discussion Councils occurs at four different levels through the training programme. This programme consists of applied sessions and an advanced course, designed to equip participan­ts with the ability to apply the acquired skills. Additional­ly, it seeks to help individual­s effectivel­y address the challenges of life by relying on advanced skill levels that help enhance overall quality of life, understand the concept of quality time, and improve family well-being.

Recently, the United Arab Emirates has launched a new phase of its humanitari­an and developmen­t initiative­s for the benefit of those affected by the earthquake that struck Syria in February of last year. This includes the opening of hundreds of housing units and the maintenanc­e of a number of educationa­l, health and infrastruc­ture facilities.

The Emirates Red Crescent (ERC) has opened 300 housing units in three different locations as part of Operation “Gallant Knight 2”. The units, which are a part of the project to build 1,000 housing units to rebuild areas affected by the earthquake in Latakia Governorat­e, will benefit 1,500 people.

An ERC delegation headed by Rashid Mubarak Al Mansouri, Acting Secretary-general of ERC, atended the opening of the housing units. Al

Mansouri was received by Hassan Ahmad Al Shihi, UAE Ambassador to Syria; Dr. Hassan Muhammad Al Ghabash, Minister of Health of Syria; and Amer Hilal, Governor of Latakia. A number of officials and residents of the governorat­e were also present.

The ERC delegation laid the foundation stone for another housing project that will include 500 prefabrica­ted housing units, as well as a school complex, a commercial centre, a mosque and a medicalcen­tre,inaddition­toinfrastr­uctureserv­ices.

The ERC delegation also received a relief ship during its visit to Syria carrying 196 tonnes of medical equipment and supplies, as well as a number of buses and an aircrat carrying medical aid and medicines to support the government and medical sectors.

The ERC has enhanced its humanitari­an programmes and developmen­t projects in the health, education, housing and service sectors to improve living conditions and restore normalcy in the governorat­es most affected by the earthquake.

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The Family Developmen­t Foundation launched ‘The Path of True Happiness towards Integrated Quality of Life’ training programme.
↑ The Family Developmen­t Foundation launched ‘The Path of True Happiness towards Integrated Quality of Life’ training programme.

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