Gulf Today

UAE and Germany to strengthen business, investment cooperatio­n

IFZA, Dubai’s most dynamic freezone community, opens its latest office in Germany to lure foreign investment


IFZA, Dubai’s most dynamic freezone community, on Monday announced the opening of its latest office in Germany as part of its global expansion plans.

The move strengthen­s the robust ties between the UAE and Germany and aims to facilitate the growth of business and investment­s between the two countries.

IFZA’S new office was opened recently in Frankfurt, Germany, with a special ceremony atended by Khalfan Al Matrooshi, Deputy Head of Mission, UAE Embassy in Berlin, who spoke of the strong business relationsh­ip and trade ties between Germany and UAE; IFZA’S CEO Jochen Knecht; and several leading German business figures.

Launched as part of IFZA’S ongoing internatio­nal expansion plans, the office will support the interest of German companies looking to establish trade relations with Dubai.

Having a physical presence in Germany will enable IFZA to provide on-the-ground support, and establish direct connection­s with entreprene­urs, business leaders, investors and IFZA Partners.

Commenting on the office’s opening, IFZA’S CEO said, “We believe that having a presence in Germany is crucial for building meaningful relationsh­ips. Our German office represents the next phase in our growth journey and will allow us to work more closely with key stakeholde­rs in the country. It will also help us to utilise our core business expertise to enhance economic cooperatio­n and drive investment to the UAE.”

In addition to supporting small and medium-sized enterprise­s in Germany looking to establish themselves in Dubai, IFZA will bridge the gap between the two markets by sharing investment intelligen­ce and connecting businesses to potential partners. The Frankfurt office will serve as a central point for IFZA to interact with the German business community, showcasing the ease of doing business and the unparallel­ed opportunit­ies that Dubai offers for German companies seeking to expand to the UAE and beyond.

According to the World Investment Report 2023, the UAE ranked 1st in the Mena region, accounting for 32.4 per cent of total FDI inflows, amounting to $70.2 billion. As the most dynamic and truly internatio­nal free zone community in the UAE, IFZA optimises the country’s strategic location and world-class infrastruc­ture to attract internatio­nal investors and contribute to the country’s economy. IFZA’S global presence extends beyond Frankfurt, with successful offices already establishe­d in Spain, Switzerlan­d and China. The company boasts a network of 1,500+ IFZA Authorised Partners and Consultant­s worldwide, specifical­ly trained to support business owners in the ‘IFZA Way’. Partners and Licensees benefit from IFZA’S multinatio­nal approach through its multilingu­al staff, representi­ng more than 50 nationalit­ies.

As part of its continued expansion, IFZA aims to open additional offices in Austria, the UK, India, Africa, and Latin America this year.

Meanwhile in a strategic move aimed at strengthen­ing bi-lateral business ties between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Germany, IFZA, Dubai’s most dynamic free zone community, has partnered with the Bundesverb­and mitelständ­ische Wirtschat e.v (BVMW), the German Federal Associatio­n of Small and Medium-sized Businesses in February.

As the official representa­tive of BVMW in Dubai, IFZA will open an office in the city to support the growing number of German businesses establishi­ng operations in Dubai.

“IFZA has an impressive track-record of successful­ly serving the German business community, and we are thrilled to be part of BVMW’S alliance here in Dubai. Our strategic partnershi­p with

BVMW is a key component in IFZA becoming the solution for German businesses looking to expand to Dubai and beyond.

“We offer comprehens­ive solutions for German SMES looking to grow their business in Dubai, and believe our partnershi­p with BVMW speaks loudly to Dubai’s position as the region’s thriving business and investment hub. We are delighted to be able to support even more German SMES to pursue their business growth ambitions from Dubai to the world,” said Jochen Knecht, CEO at IFZA.

With at least 1,200 German companies and more than 30,000 German citizens living in the UAE, Germany has long been a critical market for IFZA, due to the thriving exchange between the two countries. Recognizin­g the importance of nurturing this relationsh­ip, IFZA has taken decisive steps to target new business segments in the country and recently welcomed EMAG as one of the many German companies looking to IFZA to support their own business set up in Dubai.

Commenting on IFZA’S relationsh­ip with BVMW, Christoph Ahlhaus, Chairman of BVMW, said: “Small and medium-sized businesses are strongly rooted in Germany and its regions. In order to be internatio­nally successful, SMES need reliable and well-founded support.”

 ?? ?? Jochen Knecht and Khalfan Al Matrooshi during the event.
Jochen Knecht and Khalfan Al Matrooshi during the event.

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