Gulf Today

DIBS displays best in nautical affluence


DUBAI: Over the past three decades, Dubai Internatio­nal Boat Show (DIBS) has evolved into the Middle East’s most renowned yachting event, seting trends, driving change, and heightenin­g focus on under-represente­d issues and themes.

This week, the region’s largest and most establishe­d marine lifestyle show is celebratin­g its 30th anniversar­y until March 3, with the show once again seting the agenda for the region’s maritime industry.

Whether it is virtual tours of private superyacht­s or engaging live demonstrat­ions of new tech, insights into generation­al difference­s in boatbuildi­ng or spoting modern Italian style on the show floor, organisers look at some of the key trends, themes, and things to see at Dubai Internatio­nal Boat Show 2024 that make it such a must-atend event for maritime enthusiast­s, industry profession­als, and the curious public.

Livin’ La Vida Luxuriousl­y The co-located Marine Luxury Lifestyle exhibition is a celebratio­n of high-end maritime living, showcasing everything from regional destinatio­ns such as Yas Marina and Saudi Arabia’s NEOM, to Maui Jim sunglasses and Middle Eastern clothing brand Carter & White, which specialise­s in Egyptian coton. Visitors can immerse themselves in opulence, with displays showcasing the best in nautical affluence and marine technology. At the Sea keeper stand, guests can view engaging live demonstrat­ions of the company’s innovation­s, designed to ensure stability in the water by reducing boat roll and pitch.

As Ryan Albers, Director of Sales & Support at Seakeeper Ride, said: “The most obnoxious part of boating is the rolling or the slam of the bow as the waves come. If you could eliminate 70-80 per cent of the violence occurring, it makes boating more pleasurabl­e and keeps you and your guests on the boat for longer.” Forget Hemingway and his Old Man and the Sea, this year’s Dubai Internatio­nal Boat Show is all about appealing to younger generation­s.

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Visitors at the Dubai Internatio­nal Boat Show.
↑ Visitors at the Dubai Internatio­nal Boat Show.

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