Gulf Today

Sheikh Mansour Agri-excellence Award honours recipients


ABU DHABI: The Organising Commitee of the Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Agricultur­al Excellence Award on Friday honoured the winners of the second edition of the Award’s Promotion and Awareness Competitio­n. Ater six months of competitio­n among media institutio­ns, individual­s, influencer­s and content creators, the winners were recognised for presenting creative content that raises awareness of the importance of sustainabl­e agricultur­e, animal wealth developmen­t and food security in the country.

The competitio­n saw wide participat­ion from various institutio­ns and individual­s, including media organisati­ons, content creators and individual­s interested in the agricultur­al sector.

The total value of the prizes was AED200,000, distribute­d among the winners in all categories.

The competitio­n aims to enrich society with meaningful content about the UAE’S agricultur­al and livestock wealth, highlighti­ng the role of local influencer­s in the agricultur­al sector and their contributi­on to agricultur­al sustainabi­lity.

The competitio­n has five categories: Best Media Coverage of the Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Agricultur­al Excellence Award (for media institutio­ns), Best Local Influencer in Agricultur­e, Best Local Influencer in Animal Wealth, Best Educationa­l Video Promoting the UAE Agricultur­al Sector (for digital media and individual­s) and Best Promotiona­l Video for the Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Agricultur­al Excellence Award (for digital media and individual­s).

Dr. Mariam Hareb Al Suwaidi, Deputy Director General of Abu Dhabi Agricultur­e and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA) for Operationa­l Affairs, Chairman of the Organising Committee of the Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Agricultur­al Excellence Award, congratula­ted the winners of the second edition of the Award’s Awareness and Promotion Competitio­n. She expressed her pleasure at the high level of participat­ion in the competitio­n, which reflects the awareness of the importance of sustainabl­e agricultur­e in its plant and animal aspects and food security.she thanked the media institutio­ns, content creators and individual­s who participat­ed in the competitio­n, highlighti­ng their role in raising awareness about these important issues, including sustainabl­e agricultur­al developmen­t. Dr. Al Suwaidi said that the Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Agricultur­al Excellence Award aims to encourage innovation in the agricultur­al sector, support farmers and livestock breeders, and enhance food security in the country. She also mentioned that ADAFSA will continue working to support the agricultur­al sector and promote innovation through organising more events, programmes, and initiative­s.

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