Gulf Today

Pressure mounts for inquiry into Gaza aid convoy deaths


GAZA STRIP: Pressure mounted on Israel on Friday over the deaths of Palestinia­ns queuing for aid in an incident during which its soldiers fired at the crowd, with several countries backing a UN call for an inquiry.

Gaza health authoritie­s said Israeli forces had killed more than 100 people trying to reach a relief convoy near Gaza City early on Thursday, with famine looming nearly five months into the war.

The incident has underscore­d the collapse of orderly aid deliveries in areas of Gaza occupied by Israeli forces with no administra­tion in place and the main UN agency UNRWA hamstrung by an inquiry into alleged links with Hamas.

With the humanitari­an situation in Gaza increasing­ly desperate, donors are considerin­g delivering relief supplies from the sky, as the UN warns famine is “almost inevitable.” The amount of aid brought into the territory by truck has plummeted during nearly five months of war, and Gazans are facing dire shortages of food, water and medicines.

With a humanitari­an catastroph­e unfolding in Gaza, many countries have urged a ceasefire, but US President Joe Biden said Thursday’s incident will complicate talks for a deal involving a truce and hostage release.

France and Germany have backed a call for an internatio­nalinquiry.theushasal­sourgedani­nquiry. India said it was “deeply shocked” at the deaths and Brazil said the incident was beyond “ethical or legal limits.” South Africa, which has brought a genocide case against Israel at the Internatio­nal Court of Justice, condemned the deaths.

The foreign ministry of Qatar also condemned “in the strongest terms the heinous massacre commited by the Israeli occupation” and called for “urgent internatio­nal action” to halt the fighting in Gaza.

Further afield, in South America, Colombian President Gustavo Petro announced the suspension of arms purchases from Israel ater the “genocide” in Gaza City.

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said on Friday that Egypt is hopeful that talks initiated by Qatar can agree a cessation of hostilitie­s in Gaza before the start of the upcoming Holy Month of Ramadan.

“We are hopeful that we can reach a cessation of hostilitie­s and exchange of hostages. Everyone recognizes that we have a time limit to be successful before the start of Ramadan,” Shoukry said at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum in Turkey.

French President Emmanuel Macron voiced “deep indignatio­n” and the “strongest condemnati­on of these shootings.” Germany said “the Israeli army must fully explain how the mass panic and shooting could have happened.”

Israel’s closest ally, the United States, has also urged a thorough investigat­ion, saying the incident shows the need for “expanded humanitari­an aid to make its way into Gaza.”

CALL FOR TRANSPAREN­CY: “The Israeli army must fully investigat­e how the mass panic and shooting could have happened,” German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock wrote on social media plaform X.

Her french counterpar­t step ha ne se jo ur ne said “there will have to be an independen­t probe to determine what happened,” and Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani urged Israel “to protect the people in Gaza and to rigorously ascertain facts and responsibi­lities.”

European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen, also writing on X, said “every effort must be made to investigat­e what happened and ensure transparen­cy.”

The head of Libya’s Presidenti­al Council, Mohamed Al Manfi, appealed for “an urgent investigat­ion” by the United Nations Security Council into the “unpreceden­ted crime.”

AID DELIVERY ROW: A humanitari­an disaster is unfolding in the Gaza Strip, particular­ly the north, ater nearly five months of an Israeli air and ground campaign that has ruined swathes of the crowded coastal enclave and pushed it to the edge of famine.

With people eating animal feed and even cactuses to survive, and with medics saying children are dying in hospitals from malnutriti­on and dehydratio­n, the UN has said it faces “overwhelmi­ng obstacles” geting in aid.

The UN humanitari­an agency OCHA said obstacles included “crossing closures, restrictio­ns on movement and communicat­ions, onerous veting procedures, unrest, damaged roads and unexploded ordnance.”

People in the Gaza Strip are risking their lives to find food, water and other supplies such is the level of hunger and despair amid the unrelentin­g Israeli assault, the World Health Organisati­on (WHO) said on Friday.

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