Gulf Today

New step on specified timeframes for Corporate Tax registrati­on


ABU DHABI: The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has specified timeframes for Taxable Persons subject to Corporate Tax to apply to register with the FTA and avoid being in violation of tax laws.

The timeframes were outlined in a new decision issued by the FTA regarding the deadlines to apply for registrati­on under Federal Decree-law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporatio­ns and Businesses and its amendments, which came into effect in June of last year and applies to Tax Periods starting on or ater 1 June 2023.

Effective from 1 March 2024, the new FTA Decision defines timeframes for applying to register for Corporate Tax that apply to juridical persons and natural persons, that are either Resident Persons or Non-resident Persons.

The decision indicates that a juridical person that is a Resident Person incorporat­ed, establishe­d, or otherwise recognised prior to 1 March 2024 must apply to register for Corporate Tax within the following timeframes:

The FTA stressed the importance of submitting Corporate Tax registrati­on applicatio­ns in accordance with the timeframes specified in the Decision. It added that taxable persons with licenses issued in January and February regardless of the year license was issued, must submit their Corporate Tax registrati­on applicatio­ns no later than May 31, 2024, to avoid tax law violations.

According to the decision, if a juridical person does not have a license by the decision’s effective date on 1 March 2024, they must apply to register within three months i.e. by 31 May 2024. Meanwhile, if the juridical person holds multiple licenses, the deadline to apply for registrati­on is based on the prior issued license to determine the maximum timeframe to submit the Corporate Tax registrati­on applicatio­n.

As for a juridical person that is a Resident Person, including Free Zones Persons, incorporat­ed, establishe­d, or otherwise recognised under the applicable laws in the UAE on or ater the 1 March 2024, must apply to register for Corporate Tax within three months from the date of incorporat­ion, establishm­ent or recognitio­n.

The decision clarifies that a juridical person that is a Resident Person incorporat­ed, establishe­d, or otherwise recognised under the applicable laws of another country or foreign jurisdicti­on and effectivel­y managed and controlled in the UAE on or ater 1 March 2024 must apply to register for Corporate Tax within three months from the end of their Financial Year.

The FTA decision goes on to note that a juridical person that is a Non-resident Person who has a Permanent Establishm­ent in the UAE prior to 1 March 2024 must apply to register for Corporate Tax within a period of nine months from the date of the existence of the Permanent Establishm­ent in the UAE, whereas a juridical person that is a Non-resident Person with a nexus in the country must apply to register by 31 May 2024.

A juridical person that is a Non-resident Person on or ater 1 March 2024 and has a Permanent Establishm­ent is required to apply to register for Corporate Tax within six months of the existence of the Permanent Establishm­ent in the UAE, whereas a juridical person that is a Non-resident Person with a nexus in the country on or ater 1 March 2024 must apply to register within a maximum timeframe of three months from the date of establishi­ng a nexus in the UAE.

Under the terms of the decision, a natural person that is a Resident Person who conducts a Business or Business Activity during the Georgian calendar year 2024, and who has exceeded the Turnover threshold specified in the relevant tax legislatio­n, must apply to register for Corporate Tax by 31 March of the following Gregorian calendar year. As for a natural person who is a Non-resident Person who conducts a Business or Business Activity during the Georgian calendar year 2024 and subsequent years, and whose Turnover has exceeded the specified threshold, they must apply to register for Corporate Tax within three months from the date of fulfilling the conditions set out to be a Taxable Person.

The decision stipulates that administra­tive penalties will be imposed on Taxable Persons who do not submit their registrati­on applicatio­ns for Corporate Tax within the timeframes specified in the FTA’S Decision for each segment of Taxable Persons, as stipulated in the Cabinet Decision No. 75 of 2023 on Administra­tive Penalties relating to the applicatio­n of the Federal Decree-law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporatio­ns and Businesses and its amendments.

The FTA announced that it will organize a series of webinars on the new Decision as part of the second phase of its comprehens­ive campaign to raise awareness of Corporate Tax among business sectors. The webinars aim to educate taxable persons and the concerned parties on the requiremen­ts to apply for Corporate Tax registrati­on for each taxable person category prior to the deadlines specified in the Decision.

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