Gulf Today

SEC discusses progress of govt work in Sharjah


SHARJAH: The Sharjah Executive Council (SEC) held its weekly meeting, chaired by Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler of Sharjah and Chairman of the Sharjah Executive Council.

The meeting was atended by Sheikh Sultan Bin Ahmed Bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Deputy Ruler of Sharjah and Vice Chairman of the Sharjah Executive Council, at the office of the Ruler of Sharjah.

The meeting discussed a number of topics on its agenda, including the progress of government work in the emirate, the developmen­t of various services, and the monitoring of developmen­tal projects in different sectors.

SEC issued Resolution No. 7 of 2024 on the regulation and licensing of marine sports activities in the emirate of Sharjah.

The resolution stipulates that, in accordance with relevant federal and local legislatio­n and in coordinati­on with the competent authoritie­s, the club shall implement all the competenci­es and powers necessary to achieve its objectives, including the following:

1-Regulating all marine and water sports activities and overseeing them in the Emirate.

2- Granting preliminar­y approval for the licensing and renewal of facilities, in coordinati­on with the Department of Economic Developmen­t, before issuing the licence.

3- Supervisin­g the work of maritime rescue facilities and rescuers in the Emirate and issuing the necessary permits to regulate their work.

4- Issuing temporary permits for training exercises involving marine sports equipment participat­ing in races within the waters of the Emirate.

5- Issuing permits for the designated number of jet skis for facilities.

6-Issuing licences and permits necessary for practicing hobby diving with equipment and free diving in the Emirate.

7- Issuing registrati­on plates for bikes and marine boats in coordinati­on with the relevant authoritie­s.

8- Specifying the tools used for recreation­al and sports fishing in the waters of the Emirate, in coordinati­on with the relevant authoritie­s.

The resolution also includes regulatory legal provisions, including licensing requiremen­ts, prohibitio­ns, maritime rescue activities, insurance, designatio­n of marine areas, conditions for the use of maritime vehicles, fee and violations schedules, administra­tive penalties, and others.

 ?? WAM ?? ↑
Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Bin Sultan Al Qasimi chaired the weekly meeting of the Sharjah Executive Council.
WAM ↑ Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Bin Sultan Al Qasimi chaired the weekly meeting of the Sharjah Executive Council.

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