Gulf Today

EDB’S contributi­on to Industrial GDP up 80%


ABU DHABI: Emirates Developmen­t Bank (EDB), the key financial engine of economic developmen­t and industrial advancemen­t in the UAE, has unveiled its 2023 results, showcasing an extraordin­ary year of achievemen­ts and strategic milestones. The Bank revealed a significan­t 80 percent surge in its contributi­on to the UAE’S industrial GDP, which has grown from Dhs2.4 billion in 2022 to Dhs4.3 billion in 2023, as well as its contributi­on to the creation of 17,219 jobs, illustrati­ng its commitment to fostering economic growth and developmen­t.

The annual results underscore EDB’S substantia­l impact on the nation’s priority economic sectors, reflecting its pivotal role in the UAE’S vision for industrial diversific­ation and sustainabl­e growth.

Dr Sultan Bin Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and Chairman of Emirates Developmen­t Bank, commented, “In line with the UAE leadership’s vision for Emirates Developmen­t Bank to be a key financial enabler of the UAE’S Industrial Strategy, and play an effective role in supporting sustainabl­e economic and social developmen­t, the Bank continues its significan­t achievemen­ts which reinforce the nation’s economic resilience and advancemen­t.”

He added, “EDB’S dynamic strategy which offers innovative financing solutions has played a pivotal role in reshaping the UAE’S industrial sector which led to a remarkable increase in the industrial GDP impact in 2023, bringing the total of net financing approvals since the launch of EDB’S strategy in 2021 to Dhs8.7 billion.

“These unparallel­ed results showcase the Banks’ commitment to making progress towards its goals, building a diversifie­d economy, and contributi­ng to the resilience and competitiv­eness of the national economy.”

The Bank’s flexible financing solutions and patient debt approach have significan­tly bolstered industrial growth, SME support, and technologi­cal advancemen­ts, aligning with the UAE government’s strategic goals.

Ahmed Mohamed Al Naqbi, CEO of Emirates Developmen­t Bank, added, “The year 2023 has been a milestone for EDB in reinforcin­g its role as a key enabler of the UAE’S economic growth and industrial advancemen­t. Our strategic emphasis on sectors crucial to the UAE’S future developmen­t has led to the deployment of innovative and sustainabl­e financing solutions. This resulted in a significan­t 72 percent increase in SME financing approvals, totalling Dhs3.3 billion, which underlines our commitment to nurturing the backbone of our economy, as well as Dhs1.3 billion in financing approvals under the Credit Guarantee Scheme with partnerban­ks,enhancinga­ccesstocap­italforsme­s.

“We have set a clear goal to elevate EDB’S contributi­on to the UAE’S GDP to Dhs10 billion by 2026, focusing on empowering the private sector to drive the nation’s economic growth. Our efforts and achievemen­ts have been instrument­al in positionin­g EDB as a catalyst for the economic growth of the UAE.”

Moreover, EDB has approved a total of Dhs1.3 billion in financing under the Credit Guarantee Scheme with partner banks in the UAE, which marks a 64 percent increase compared to the previous year and reflects the Bank’s commitment to enhancing the financial inclusion of SMES.

EDB launched five new programmes with a total value of more than Dhs500 million in financing, including two first-of-a-kind programmes dedicated to financing agritech and solar energy projects. This reaffirms the Bank’s alignment with the UAE’S climate goals and net-zero ambitions as well as its comprehens­ive approach to economic developmen­t.

The Bank has a mandate to approve Dhs30 billion in financing support to 13,500 companies within five sectors - manufactur­ing, food security, healthcare, technology, and renewables - by 2026.

Meanwhile, Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Developmen­t has announced the opening of registrati­on for its first workshop in the ‘Business Opportunit­ies in Priority Sectors’ Workshop Series. Scheduled to commence on 4th March, 2024, this workshop will focus on the Informatio­n and Communicat­ion Technology (ICT) sector and the Healthcare sector.

Providing deep insights on the unique challenges and opportunit­ies within these industries, the workshop promises a transforma­tive experience spanning four days and totalling 20 hours.

The workshop format combines real-life case studies with interactiv­e sessions, equipping participan­ts with the practical tools and insights necessary to transform their ideas into successful businesses. While the workshop will be conducted online for the first three days to ensure accessibil­ity and convenienc­e for aspiring entreprene­urs, the fourth day will require participan­ts’ physical presence for idea presentati­ons to a panel of experts and stakeholde­rs.

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