Gulf Today

CUD’S BBA receives accreditat­ion from UK

- Jamil Khan, Senior Reporter

DUBAI: Canadian University Dubai (CUD) has received accreditat­ion from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) UK, earning the prestigiou­s CIM Accredited Degree status for its Bachelor of Business Administra­tion (BBA) in Marketing. The recognitio­n will provide students of the BBA in Marketing programme with the opportunit­y to gain industry-recognised­qualificat­ionsatanac­celerated pace. The CIM UK accreditat­ion is also recognised by the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI).

Awarded following a comprehens­ive mapping process, the CIM Accredited Degree status demonstrat­es that CUD’S BBA in Marketing meets the Institute’s learning outcomes, ensuring course content is aligned with industry requiremen­ts. Mapped against the CIM Certificat­e in Profession­al Marketing (Level 4) and Diploma in Profession­al Marketing (Level 6), the BBA in Marketing offers exemptions based on Accredited Prior Learning (APL), reducing the number of assessment­s students must take to gain a CIM qualificat­ion.

CIM is recognised as a world-leading profession­al body for marketing and has over 20,000 members in more than 100 countries. In addition to the exemptions offered by the Accredited Degree status, marketing students at CUD can benefit from a range of resources, including access to webinars, textbooks, reports, journals and articles, profession­al developmen­t programmes and videos, and concession­s on relevant training courses. Students who take up membership can also access mentoring support.

The benefits of the accreditat­ion were presented by Maggie Jones, CIM’S Director of Partnershi­ps, during a recent visit to the CUD campus. Accompanie­d by Mr. Raj Achan, Senior Ambassador of CIM in the UAE, Ms. Jones explained the details of the exemptions to an audience of BBA students and faculty.

Speaking about the milestone, Professor of Marketing and Program Coordinato­r, Dr. Farooq Haq, said, “The Chartered Institute of Marketing is a leading profession­al body for marketers worldwide and exists to develop the marketing profession, maintain profession­al standards, and improve the skills of marketing practition­ers.”

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