Gulf Today

Xposure expands horizons with film programme


SHARJAH: Xposure Internatio­nal Photograph­y Festival (Xposure 2024) is set to redefine its boundaries with the introducti­on of its inaugural film programme for this year, featuring 53 cinematic events. This includes 26 workshops, panel discussion­s, and live interviews with film industry profession­als. Additional­ly, the programme will showcase 27 documentar­y films at the festival’s eighth iteration, organised by the Sharjah Government Media Bureau (SGMB), running from February 28 to March 5 at the Expo Centre Sharjah.

Among the luminaries who will be headlining the events on the Xposure 2024 Film Stage are: Aidan Sullivan, renowned for his multifacet­ed contributi­ons as a photo editor, publicist, journalist, and talent agent, and Angela Scot, acclaimed for her prowess as a photograph­er, filmmaker, author, and conservati­onist. Joining them are Beth Wald, Britajasch­inski,danwinters,francescog­ola,frank Meo, Giles Clarke, John Mcdermot and filmmaker, journalist and author Rick Smolan, each bringing their unique expertise and vision to the forefront.

Accordingt­otariqsaee­dallay,thedirecto­rgeneral of SGMB, the primary objective of introducin­g a film plaformatx­posureisto­expandthee­xploratory­and learning space offered by the festival to include filmmaking. He also affirmed Xposure’s commitment to continuall­y expand its scope of offerings to be able to successful­ly cater to the ever-growing profession­al and artistic needs of the individual­s who belong to the UAE’S and the world’s creative industries. These promises are duly honoured in Xposure’s first-ever, yet exhaustive content programme dedicated to the art and crat of film. Led by leading industry experts, filmmakers and photograph­ers, Xposure’s film programme has been curated to include insightful and educationa­l talks, interactiv­e workshops, film screenings­andengagin­gexperienc­esforprofe­ssionals, amateurs and students.

The programme promises engaging panel discussion­s delving into topics crucial to the art and business of filmmaking, hands-on workshops designed to refine skills, in-depth masterclas­ses exploring specific discipline­s within film, and invaluable networking opportunit­ies to forge lasting connection­s within the film community.

For more informatio­n on these film-themed events at Xposure and to register for them, visit htps:// With 90 solo and group exhibition­s displaying 2,500 prints from over 400 renowned photograph­ers, 66 workshops, 79 talks and focus groups, and 50 profession­al porfolio reviews from over 150 of the world’s greatest visual storytelle­rs, Xposure 2024 promises an immersive exploratio­n of photograph­y and other visual mediums.

 ?? ?? ↑ An image from the previous edition of Xposure Internatio­nal Photograph­y Festival.
↑ An image from the previous edition of Xposure Internatio­nal Photograph­y Festival.

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