Gulf Today

IUML demands another seat to contest elections


MALAPPURAM: The demand for a third seat to contest in the upcoming parliament­ary elections by Indian Union Muslim League (IUML), the second largest constituen­t of opposition United Democratic Front (UDF), has landed Congress, which leads the UDF, in a fix.

Though same demands for more seats had cropped up in the past elections also, Congress was able to placate IUML into accepting seats alloted to them.

However, this time around, IUML has declared that they won’t step back from their demand for a third seat. IUML leadership is disappoint­ed with the Congress for ignoring their demand.

IUML had given Congress time till Sunday Feb.24, to take a final decision and is toying with the idea of facing the poll independen­tly or staging “friendly contests.”

Congress decided to hold bilateral talks with IUML on Sunday ater rescheduli­ng the UDF meeting.

As per reports, the row over the third seat escalated as Congress failed to convince the League by offering a Rajya Sabha seat in lieu of the third Lok Sabha seat. IUML state secretary PMA Salam said that his party is expecting a favourable response from UDF leadership.

“In UDF, a single party is not taking decisions on seats in the polls. All parties have an equal voice in the front,” he said.

IUML president Panakkad Sadiq Ali Shihab Thangal also asserted that the party won’t withdraw its demand for a third seat.

On Saturday, Congress leader KC Venugopal said that IUML has the right to stake a claim for a third seat in the polls. He pointed out that UDF will take a decision unanimousl­y.

IUML received support from unexpected corners for its demand for a third seat. Leaders of the ruling Communist Party of India - Marxist (CPI-M) publicly backed IUML, which has a sizeable vote bank in select constituen­cies.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi won from Wayanad parliament­ary constituen­cy with over 100, 000 margin, thanks to the solid backing of IUML.

Let Democratic Front (LDF) convener EP Jayarajan said that IUML is not geting due considerat­ion in UDF despite continuing as the strongest party in Kerala.

In the recent local body elections, IUML won five seats, while Congress lost pathetical­ly.

“Can Congress win a single seat independen­tly, without the support of IUML? The victories were atributed to the backing of IUML. At least that considerat­ion should be given to IUML,” Jayarajan said.

He commented that IUML may win more seats if they dare to contest polls independen­tly.

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