Gulf Today

UAE fascinates me: Ex-austrian Chancellor


DUBAI: The strategic partnershi­p between Austria and the UAE are both close and historical­ly developed, Sebastian Kurz, former Chancellor of Austria, said.

The UAE is not just an important economic partner but also plays a significan­t role in the fields of innovation and technology, as well as in the fight against terrorism, Kurz emphasised in a recent interview with the Emirates News Agency (WAM) in Dubai.

Recalling his visits to the UAE as Chancellor and the fruiful engagement­s, he said two countries then were able to further deepen the relationsh­ips, for example with hydrogen alliance in 2021.

“I have always harboured a great fascinatio­n for the region.”

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGEN­CE: Artificial Intelligen­ce (AI) is unlikely to trigger mass unemployme­nt, and some prediction­s of specific job losses will go wrong, according to Kurz.

“I have always been fundamenta­lly optimistic about technologi­cal progress. The fear that machines would take away jobs from humans has been around since the first wave of industrial­isation,” he remarked.

Becoming the Chancellor of Austria at 31 in 2017, Kurz was one of the world’s youngest ever democratic­ally elected heads of government.

Acknowledg­ing that some jobs would be lost to AI, he said certain prediction­s in this regard would go wrong.

New jobs will emerge, but contrary to expectatio­ns, AI will replace office jobs before those of truck drivers and warehouse workers, Kurz added.

He argued that chatbots such as CHATGPT and other generative AIS [type of AI that can produce various types of content, including text, imagery, audio and synthetic data] have impressive­ly demonstrat­ed this possible scenario.

“This is a developmen­t that many did not expect and that many may be afraid of.”

CYBERSECUR­ITY, MISINFORMA­TION THREATS: As an advocate of technologi­cal progress, he firmly believes in its potential of positive impact on humanity; however, he is also concerned about the risks that accompany these advancemen­ts, such as cyber threats and the spread of disinforma­tion.

“In the digital world, the absence of national borders demands a re-evaluation of the approach to cybersecur­ity. The potential for cyberatack­s to cause not only financial damage but also endanger lives cannot be underestim­ated,” the former chancellor warned.

The rapid digitisati­on has caught many off guard, particular­ly regarding the scale of cyber threats, he observed.

Kurz said his experience­s with cyberatack­s during his time as Chancellor, including those on his party and the Foreign Ministry, led him to co-found Dream, a cybersecur­ity company that uses AI to safeguard critical infrastruc­tures.

FAKE NEWS: Kurz pointed out the significan­t challenge posed by Ai-generated disinforma­tion through manipulate­d digital content, including videos.

Asked about his take on some experts equating fake news to a threat like climate change, Kurz said that fake news, cyberatack­s, and climate change share a commonalit­y – they are global issues transcendi­ng national borders, requiring united efforts for resolution.

The UAE has demonstrat­ed true leadership here, further solidifyin­g its role as a global hub for dialogue and internatio­nal cooperatio­n, he added. The recently held World Government Summit in Dubai was the latest example in this regard, said Kurz who was a prominent speaker in the Summit.

“Ialsodonot­wanttoleav­ecop28unme­ntioned, because it was a particular­ly positive example of internatio­nal cooperatio­n and bridge-building.”

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Sebastian Kurz, former Chancellor of Austria.
WAM ↑ Sebastian Kurz, former Chancellor of Austria.

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