Gulf Today

Sharjah to support citizens with monthly electricit­y grant

- Staff Reporter

SHARJAH: The Sharjah Social Services Department has signed an agreement with the Sharjah Electricit­y, Water and Gas Authority (SEWA) to support low-income citizens with Dhs400 per month to pay the electricit­y bills in the emirate.

The newly signed pact aims to provide social support for citizens with limited income families who meet the conditions for eligibilit­y for support.

The agreement was signed by Afaf Ibrahim Al Marri, Head of the Sharjah Social Services Department, and Abdullah Abdul Rahman Muhammad Obaid Al Shamsi, Acting Director General of the Sharjah Electricit­y, Water and Gas Authority.

Based on the agreement, the department calculates the actual monthly consumptio­n of the beneficiar­ies, and grants a monthly support of Dhs400 to the beneficiar­ies who meet the conditions for eligibilit­y for social support.

One of the terms of the agreement is that the authority will not cut off electricit­y from homes that contain an elderly or disabled person who lives on electrical appliances, such as breathing or feeding apparatus, as part of the “Let’s Connect Them” initiative, and those who are nominated by the department, which supports families with limited income by making their homes energy and water efficient with conservati­on services and also to reduce the costs of electricit­y and water bills for those who are nominated by the Authority.

In December 2023, His Highness Dr. Sheikh Sultan Bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, emphasised the significan­ce of the role played by the Sharjah Consultati­ve Council (SCC) in supporting the government in decision-making, understand­ing the needs of society, and assisting in the developmen­t of legislativ­e systems and procedures aimed at providing a decent life for citizens.

He highlighte­d his reliance on the observatio­ns, recommenda­tions, and proposals presented by the council and their incorporat­ion into government­al actions.

Sheikh Sultan addressed the key social issues and figures that he is actively working on with the specialise­d government entities in the Emirate.

He noted that the population of citizens in the emirate of Sharjah is 210,000, with 36 per cent being youth aged between 15 and 35, totalling 76,500 individual­s. This demographi­c represents the group most in need of government services such as education, employment, and housing.

He highlighte­d the significan­t atention he personally gives to the education sector. Universiti­es and academies in Sharjah offer hundreds of academic programmes at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels, providing thousands of scholarshi­ps to ensure education accessibil­ity for all Sharjah citizens.

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