Gulf Today

UN seeks $400m in aid for quake-hit Afghanista­n


KABUL: More than $400 million is needed for western Afghanista­n to recover and rebuild ater a devastatin­g earthquake last October that killed around 2,000 people, the United Nations said Wednesday.

The magnitude 6.3 quake on Oct.7, one of the most destructiv­e in the country’s recent history, flatened entire villages in Herat province and also let thousands injured and homeless.

Months on, survivors are still struggling to rebuild their lives.

In a new UN report, released together with the World Bank, the European Union and the Asian Developmen­t Bank, estimated there is “an urgent need for $402.9 million to support the critical recovery and reconstruc­tion efforts in the province.”

The report said recovery strategies should prioritise restoring access to basic services and building earthquake-safe housing, especially for the most affected families.

It said its assessment of the urgent needs relied on field data, publicly available informatio­n and remote analytics.

The report represents the first joint assessment since August 2021 and showcases an internatio­nal resolve to address the needs of disaster-affected communitie­s and support their recovery.

It surveyed some nine districts with roughly 2.2 million people and offers a detailed breakdown of the numbers affected, including categories such as pregnant women, infants and people with disabiliti­es.

According to the report, the districts of Herat, Injil, and Zindajan were the hardest hit, with rural and vulnerable communitie­s suffering the most.

“We are commited to not only addressing the immediate needs but ensuring a sustainabl­e and resilient recovery for those affected by the earthquake­s,” stated Indrika Ratwate, the UN chief’s deputy representa­tive and humanitari­an coordinato­r.

“This tragedy presents an opportunit­y to rebuild stronger, more inclusive, and more resilient communitie­s,” Ratwate added.

Earthquake­s are common in Afghanista­n, where there are a number of fault lines and frequent movement among three nearby tectonic plates.

Afghans are still reeling from recent quakes, including the magnitude 6.5 earthquake last March that struck much of western Pakistan and eastern Afghanista­n, and an earthquake that hit eastern Afghanista­n in June 2022, flatening stone and mud-brick homes and killing at least 1,000 people.

Rescue teams on Tuesday reached the remote valley where a landslide buried dozens of people in eastern Afghanista­n, a provincial official said, ater responders were slowed by snow and blocked roads.

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